Sadly, many people don’t think about a dog’s wellbeing before doing something selfish. Like humans, dogs aren’t perfect. They can bark, have accidents, and cause trouble in many other ways, but that’s no excuse to hurt them. Yet, one individual didn’t understand that. They taped someone else’s dog’s mouth shut and left him to wander the streets on his own.
The person thought they would get away with it, but dog lovers all over the community stepped up to help. They will find the person responsible no matter how much effort it takes!

Innocent Dog Faces Possible Death
On October 27th, 2021, a Good Samaritan came across a beautiful Hound dog who was wandering the streets of Edneyville, North Carolina, alone. When the person approached him, they saw that his mouth was taped shut, preventing him from eating, drinking, or barking. He could’ve suffered a horrible death if no one had found him.
The person was able to loosen the tape as much as possible before calling animal enforcement officers for help. Deputies with Henderson County Sheriff’s Office quickly located the dog’s owner, but as it turns out, they had nothing to do with the tape and were devastated to find out about it.
“Online Detectives… on October 27th, this little feller was found running around looking for help in the Edneyville Community,” Henderson County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook.

So, the dog has now been reunited with his family, but the case isn’t over. Deputies are tirelessly searching for the heartless person who did this to the dog. Luckily, the pup didn’t suffer from any injuries related to the incident.
Help Find the Cruel Individual
Many members of the community suspect that the culprit is a neighbor who was sick of the dog’s barking. After all, Hound dog breeds are known for their unique bark, also known as “baying.” These sounds are part of the dogs’ instincts to alert hunters of animals. While it can be managed, these sweet dogs shouldn’t be punished for it.
“Now, we need your assistance in identifying who the cruel person(s) is that taped the dog’s mouth shut and left him for dead,” Henderson County Sheriff’s Office wrote.

If anyone has information about the suspect, they’re urged to call Officer Brezillac at 828-694-3131. They can also submit a tip on the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office phone app. Edneyille is located just over 100 miles from Charlotte, North Carolina.
H/T: wcti12.com
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The post Family Shocked After Finding Their Dog Wandering Streets With Mouth Taped Shut appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy