March 28, 2025

Leonardo DiCaprio Dove Into Icy Waters To Save Two Of His Rescue Dogs

Leonardo DiCaprio Saves His Dogs

In a recent segment from Entertainment Weekly‘s “Around the Table,” actor Leonardo DiCaprio proved that he’s not only a hero in films but also in real life. While filming Don’t Look Up in and around Boston, DiCaprio brought two of his dogs on set for the day. The two rescue Huskies are full of constant energy, so it wasn’t long before they got into trouble.

According to DiCaprio and co-star Jennifer Lawrence, the Huskies fell into icy water and almost drowned. But DiCaprio refused to let his furry friends suffer. Without hesitation, he faced the frigid temperatures to save their lives.

Leonardo DiCaprio Husky Puppies

Dogs Cause Trouble on Set

DiCaprio and his girlfriend, Camila Morrone, share three Huskies. The two that he brought on set are Jack and Jill, who the couple adopted in 2020 after fostering them. Since the pups are used to living in Southern California, they’d never witnessed a frozen lake before. They got a little too curious and fell in.

According to Lawrence, one dog jumped in first, so DiCaprio quickly followed. Then, when DiCaprio pushed one dog out of the icy water, the other one jumped in. The pups didn’t seem to learn from their mistakes.

Leonardo DiCaprio with rescue puppies

“Well, the other one started licking the one that was drowning, and then we all were in the frozen lake together,” said DiCaprio.

Dog Dad to the Rescue

After some struggling and determination, DiCaprio got both of his dogs to safety. They had no reported illnesses following the event, although they were probably a bit chilly like their dad. Yet, the extreme temperature was worth it to save his furry friends’ lives. Even though it was a serious situation, DiCaprio and Lawrence tried to keep it lighthearted in the interview.

Huskies napping together

“I’m sure you guys are all wondering, I was too, he immediately got naked in the car,” Lawrence joked.

This isn’t the first time DiCaprio played the role of a hero in real life. In 2019, he saved a man who fell off a yacht and almost drowned. Perhaps his water rescue skills came from his famous role in Titanic.

Leonardo DiCaprio speaking

While it’s amazing that DiCaprio saved his dogs, officials urge people to call for help instead of jumping into icy water. Frigid water can negatively impact your physical and mental abilities in only a matter of seconds, so DiCaprio is lucky that both he and his dogs are safe now. Like any loyal dog parent, DiCaprio didn’t have time to think when his dogs were in danger. He just knew that he wanted them to be okay.

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