March 16, 202510:47:28 PM

10 Things to Look for When Picking Your Dog’s Daycare Facility

Doggie Daycare Tips

1. Cleanliness. There should be minimal offensive odor and immediate clean-up of accidents, and the other dogs should be healthy-looking.

2. Playtime provided for the majority of the day. While a two-hour “naptime” is common, during the rest of the day, your dog should have time to play with staff members and other dogs.

3. Proof of current vaccinations. Distemper, parvo, rabies and bordatella vaccinations and/or titers should be required.

4. Adequate supervision. Staff members should be physically in the rooms with the dogs at all times; supervising through a window or a gate is not enough.

5. Safe staffing levels. A good daycare facility maintains an approximate staffing goal of one person for every 10 to 15 dogs.


via Whisker Therapy

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