March 28, 202508:18:48 AM

Simone Biles’ Fiancé Knew He Loved Her When His Dog Approved

Dogs are often really good judges of character. I remember when my dog, a complete sweetheart in every other situation, growled at an ex-boyfriend. He was totally right about that guy.

Many people use their dogs’ reception of a new person as a sort of litmus test. Olympic gymnast Simone Biles’ fiancé, football player Jonathan Owens, said he knew their relationship was special by how his dog Zeus reacted to her.


Sometimes, entering a relationship with a new human when you already have a dog can be tricky. Fortunately, Biles and Owens’ dog Zeus got along great from the start.

Owens told Today:

“My dog really loved her. I could kind of see his face like whenever I would pick my book bag up in my apartment, he would think we’re leaving to go to her place, so he would sprint to the front door. And I’d be like, ‘Huh, you really like her!”‘

An Engagement And A New Dog Family Member

Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens started dating in March of 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. They called it a “COVID relationship,” as they spent so much time together, despite their busy athlete schedules.

“We just kind of started hanging out more and more and you start to want to see a person … I started to want to see her more,” Owens said.


Owens proposed to Biles on Valentine’s Day, 2022. Olympic champion gymnast Biles even said her engagement ring “definitely beats a gold medal.”

It was just Zeus and his dad for a few years, but the Bulldog seems overjoyed to welcome his new mom to the family. Biles, too is thrilled to call Zeus one of her own. She posts about him frequently, along with her French Bulldogs Lilo and Rambo.


About Zeus, Lilo, and Rambo

Honestly, is there even any celebrity whose dog doesn’t have their own Instagram? Well, Zeus is no exception to the rule. His Instagram bio states:

“Most energetic English Bulldog you’ve ever met. I love food, chewing on anything i can find, and taking long naps.”

Follow @zeusthebulldog36 for more photos, mostly of just him, but potentially of his athlete parents too.


The Biles Frenchies, of course, also have their own account: @thebilesfrenchies. They seem to get along great with their new Bulldog sibling Zeus.


In a Brady Bunch-esque way, these two families, one twosome and one threesome, will now become one big family of five.


Plus, Owens responsibly got his dog’s permission to ask for Biles’ hand in marriage first.

H/T: Today
Featured Image: Instagram

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