A sweet puppy came into the world with a plethora of challenges. But Winston didn’t care; he was going to live his life to the fullest.
Winston was born without his sternum, and his legs were underdeveloped. Everyone worried that Winston wouldn’t be able to play, but boy were they wrong!
When Winston moved in with his family on a magnificent farm, the resident animals fell in love with the puppy. Sadly, Winston wasn’t allowed to play with his new friends because his chest wasn’t protected, and it could be dangerous. But the animals’ gentle affection, especially from their pig, taught Winston how to play without risking his life.
Winston never cared about his disability. In fact, his disability became his ability to give and receive so much love. He bonded closely with everyone, human and animal alike. Winston’s parents cannot imagine life without him now that he’s a part of their lives. His tenacity has inspired them to see the world as they always should have.
In this short video, Winston teaches us all a lifelong lesson– never let your body define you, only your heart!
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Feature Image Courtesy Of winston_the_roo/Instagram
The post Pup Turns His Disability Into The Ability To Teach Us All About Love appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy