March 16, 202509:49:54 AM

15 Best Foods for St. Bernards with Allergies

Dealing with your St. Bernard’s food allergies can be beyond frustrating! We asked our 800,000 members of St. Bernard’s community on facebook the following question: “Those of you with St. Bernards who have allergies…. what food do you use and why?” We received hundreds of replies, and summarized the top 15 responses here.
As always, be sure to consult your veterinarian before making any health changes to your St. Bernard’s diet. iHeartDogs is reader supported, so some of the links below may be affiliate links where we receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

15 Best Dog Foods for St. Bernards with Allergies

My Saint could only eat NutroMax Sensitive. Even his treats were NutoMax Sensitive.

Author: Paige T.

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We had our puppy tested for sensitivity. We used 5 strands. You mail in a hair sample and they test for about 400 different items. Lot less expensive than a vet. The test ranks them on how sensitive he was. The report was 11 pages and divided into food intolerance and environmental intolerance. Interesting because he was sensitive to Greek yogurt but not plain yogurt. Found her was sensitive to salmon oil. But just because he shows up sensitive doesn’t mean he will have a reaction. We ended up with nature’s logic dog food and he is doing well on it.

Author: Dale K.

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We feed ours IAM’S.

Author: Elizabeth M.

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I had a saint who could only eat salmon dog food. Maybe try that

Author: Tina G.

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We had a lot of problems with ear infections so we switched to a new brand of food and have no problems since

Author: Terry-Anne D.

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Mine was allergic to chicken had to find dog food without chicken

Author: Debi H.

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Purina Lamb and rice

Author: Terry L.

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My boy does great with a blue salmon potato blend. So much healthier now. His nemesis was chicken.

Author: DawnMarie E.

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Have him tested, then you will know for sure. But Fish usually works, I have a bulldog that’s allergic to Millet, which is in a lot of kibbles.

Author: Julia M.

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I made Abby’s food for the last 5 years of her life. I boiled Boneless chicken breasts, added rice, mixed veggies and dinovite. Put a weeks worth in containers and froze it. Abby thrived on it.

Author: George N.

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Grain free everything.. worked for 8 years until he passed

Author: Wennschmee S.

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Gentle giants made for saints

Author: Crystal C.

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Katherine Heigel makes a great one that’s dehydrated called Badland’s Ranch. Also Dr Marty makes a good freeze dried food Nature’s Blend. Really good ingredients in both, but quite expensive. We use it as a supplement. Also check into the Farmer’s Dog. They say the most common allergies in dogs are corn, chicken, and wheat. Try to find something without those 3 things.

Author: Chad M.

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Rice cooked with plain roasted chicken.

Author: Dawn N.

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Lamb and rice. Mine has an allergy to chicken. You wouldn’t believe when you read the ingredients how things that don’t have chicken in it had chicken in the ingredients. It was really struggle. Make sure you read all the ingredients.

Author: Lynn Connors A.

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As always, be sure to consult your veterinarian before making any health changes to your St. Bernard’s food. iHeartDogs is reader supported, so some of the links above may be affiliate links where we receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

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