When you own a Bernese Mountain Dog, life becomes an enchanting medley of fluff, drool, and a dog who is certain they are the size of a Chihuahua. Their size, their shedding, and their ceaseless devotion to you present a distinctive set of challenges that only a Berner owner could appreciate. Here are eight problems that will likely strike a chord with any Bernese Mountain Dog enthusiast.
1. Sharing the bed (and losing).
Berners are loving dogs who believe that the best place to express their affection is in your bed. Attempting to reclaim your bed from a 100-pound Berner who’s spread out like a starfish in the center is an exercise in futility. Prepare for a nightly battle of wits, blankets, and bed space – a battle you are likely to lose.
2. Perpetual winter in your home.
The Berner’s coat is magnificent, voluminous, and seemingly never-ending. When they shed, it’s as if a snowstorm has hit your living room, coating everything from your furniture to your favorite black trousers. Invest in a robust vacuum and cultivate a love for all things fuzzy because shedding season is all year round.
3. The art of ‘drool-reading’.
With a Berner in your home, you’ll quickly learn to navigate the lakes of drool they leave in their wake. Who needs tea leaves when you can predict your future from the drool patterns on your kitchen floor? One thing is certain, the forecast will always include a high chance of slobber showers.
4. Fitness test: The Berner pull.
Walking a Berner isn’t as much an exercise for them as it is for you. You’ll soon become familiar with the “Berner pull,” their signature move when they spot something interesting and decide to investigate, with you in tow. Who needs a gym membership when you have a Berner and a curious nose?
5. The Berner ‘puppy dog eyes’.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are masters of the puppy dog eyes. Their talent at pleading expressions is Oscar-worthy, making it near impossible to resist their requests, be it for a treat, a belly rub, or a bite of your sandwich.
6. Summer is a challenge.
Berners prefer the cool, mountain climates they were bred for. The summer heat can make them as miserable as a popsicle in the sun. You’ll become adept at inventing new ways to keep them cool, from kiddie pools to frozen treats, all to maintain your Berner’s cool demeanor.
7. They’re overly friendly ‘guard dogs’.
Berners are wonderful family dogs but terrible guard dogs. Their size may deter intruders, but their welcoming, friendly nature would likely result in them showing the burglar where the silverware is stored. Your home security plan should definitely not hinge on your Berner’s guard dog capabilities.
8. The inevitable heartbreak.
Perhaps the most significant problem Bernese Mountain Dog owners face is their relatively short lifespan, often only 6 to 8 years. They leave an indelible mark on our hearts, and when they cross the rainbow bridge, they take a piece of our hearts with them.
Despite these challenges, owning a Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the most rewarding experiences. Their gentleness, affectionate nature, and ceaseless loyalty more than make up for the shedding, the drooling, and the bed space tug-of-war. Having a Berner means having a best friend who loves you unconditionally, and let’s be honest, that’s the best problem to have.
The post 8 Problems Only a Bernese Mountain Dogs Owner Would Understand appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy