March 16, 2025

Cleft Puppy Was Given Up On Because Of His Looks Defies His Owners Faith

BigRig is a double cleft palate puppy. He was given up at four weeks old because of his challenges and appearance. He suffered from pneumonia twice, and it was uncertain if he’d make it. But the puppy warrior pulled through!


Road Dogs & Rescue stepped in and took BigRig along with his brother Oliver. Both puppies had to be tube-fed in order to survive. Once BigRig’s mama saw his photo, it was love at first sight! She didn’t care what he looked like; he was a supermodel in her eyes.


Through his family’s love, he grew more confident by the day. BigRig adores his doggy siblings. He’s playful, full of spunk, and never fails to make his family happy. He brings so much joy to everyone he meets. He also raises awareness. Some people assume that dogs like him are too challenging to adopt or aren’t cute enough, but BigRig is proof that ALL dogs deserve a forever home.


This American Bully will win your heart! See BigRig’s inspiring story below, and don’t forget to share! All pups are worthy of a happy life filled with tons of fun and tons of love. Do you agree?

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via Whisker Therapy

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