Becoming a Collie owner is a journey into a world of boundless energy, shedding fests, and a unique brand of intelligent mischief. While Collies are famous for their role as Lassie, the reality of sharing your home with one is a bit less glamorous and a lot more hilarious. Here are eight problems that are all too familiar to anyone who’s lucky enough to share their life with a Collie.
1. Exercise – Did you mean ‘marathon’?
Collies are an energetic breed that requires a substantial amount of exercise. You thought a quick walk around the block would do it? Ha! You’re now signed up for morning sprints, afternoon agility sessions, and twilight games of fetch. Welcome to your new life as a full-time fitness enthusiast!
2. Hair, hair, everywhere.
Ah, the joys of shedding season. And by season, we mean all year round. Your clothes, your couch, your car, and even your toothbrush (somehow) will sport a layer of Collie fur. You may find yourself wondering if there’s a dog left underneath all that shedding!
3. The Collie ‘stare’.
Collies have a very specific stare: it’s intense, focused, and can be slightly unsettling, especially when you’re trying to eat a sandwich in peace. They’ve turned guilt-tripping into an art form. Resistance is futile.
4. Hide and seek – the unrequested edition.
Collies are smart. Super smart. They love to play games, including unsolicited rounds of hide and seek. One minute they’re at your side, the next they’ve vanished only to be found nosing around the kitchen or sitting quietly in the most improbable hidey-hole. Every day is an adventure.
5. The perpetual ‘herd’.
Collies are born herders. Anything that moves is fair game – kids, cats, the mailman, and your unsuspecting visitors. It can be quite amusing to watch Aunt Edna being subtly herded away from the buffet table by your Collie.
6. Unwanted alarm system.
Collies are notably vocal. Whether it’s the postman, a squirrel, or a leaf blowing down the street, your Collie is ready to alert you to the ‘danger’. Say goodbye to quiet Saturday mornings, and hello to your new alarm system.
7. The ‘Collie Collapse’.
This breed has mastered the art of the ‘Collie Collapse’ – a dramatic, instantaneous flop to the ground when something isn’t going their way. It’s a cross between a protest and a toddler’s tantrum and is equally effective in making you feel guilty for not granting them that extra treat.
8. Selective hearing.
Collies have an uncanny ability to develop selective hearing, especially when it comes to commands they don’t want to follow. “Come”? They’ve suddenly forgotten English. “Treat”? They’re by your side before you can blink.
Living with a Collie is a beautiful blend of chaos, fun, and hair – lots of hair. But the companionship, loyalty, and laughter that come with these problems make the journey worthwhile. Sure, they may try to herd your guests, shed like a snowstorm, and mastermind their way to extra treats, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing quite like the love of a Collie.
The post 8 Problems Only a Collie Owner Would Understand appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy