10 Dog Breeds With The Most Unusual Love Languages

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Dogs are famous for their unconditional love, but like humans, they each have their way of showing it. Some dogs express affection with cuddles and kisses, while others use unique gestures to demonstrate their feelings. Whether it’s leaning against you, bringing “gifts,” or following you everywhere, certain breeds have developed distinct love languages. These dogs prove that love isn’t just about wagging tails and belly rubs—it’s about creating special connections and finding individual ways to bond with their favorite humans. Each dog has its special way of showing love!

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are the quintessential affectionate dogs, but their unique love language involves “gifting.” This breed is known for bringing you their favorite toys, shoes, or anything they can carry in their mouths to express their affection. They’ll often greet you at the door with a prized possession in their mouth, wagging their tail furiously as if to say, “Here, I love you; take this!” Golden Retrievers were bred as retrievers for hunters, so their love language ties into their instinct to carry and deliver things. Their act of giving is their way of showing you that they cherish your attention and affection.



Chihuahuas may be tiny, but their love language is all about being as close to you as possible—literally. These little dogs have a habit of burrowing into blankets, tucking themselves into tight spaces, and often finding their way onto their owner’s laps. Their intense need for closeness stems from their desire to be physically near the person they love most. Chihuahuas also tend to “guard” their favorite person, following them from room to room and often staring up adoringly as they do. Their love language is about being close and cozy, making them the ultimate cuddle bugs.

Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inus have a reputation for being independent and aloof, but when they show affection, it’s through subtle gestures that are distinctly their own. Shibas express love by leaning on you, often resting their heads against your leg or shoulder as a quiet sign of trust and affection. They might not be the type to shower you with kisses or climb into your lap, but their gentle leaning speaks volumes. For a Shiba, love is about being near you without needing to be the center of attention. Their love language is understated but deeply meaningful once you understand it.



Boxers are high-energy dogs that wear their hearts on their paws, and their love language is all about physical touch—specifically, the famous “Boxer lean.” When a Boxer loves you, they’ll often lean their entire body against you, pressing in for as much contact as possible. It’s their way of saying, “I’m here, and I trust you.” Boxers are also known for their goofy personalities, so they often express affection through playfulness, jumping around, and engaging in spontaneous games with their favorite humans. For a Boxer, love is about physical connection and fun, and they’ll always find a way to stay close.



Dachshunds show their love in a very unique way—they burrow. These little dogs were bred to hunt small game in burrows, so it’s no surprise that they love to tunnel under blankets, pillows, or even clothes. When a Dachshund burrows into your bed or snuggles deep into a blanket beside you, it’s their way of feeling safe and loved. They often like to sleep under the covers with their owners, staying close and warm. Their love language is rooted in their desire to be near their human in a cozy, protected environment. A burrowing Dachshund is a happy, loving one.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds may not be the most outwardly affectionate dogs, but their love language comes in the form of following you everywhere. With their incredible sense of smell, Bassets stay glued to their owners’ heels, tracking their every move. While this behavior is often linked to their hunting instincts, it shows their attachment and loyalty. Basset Hounds express love by never wanting to leave your side, ensuring they’re always part of your actions. Their love language is devotion, even if done in their trademark slow, lumbering way.



Corgis have a unique love language that involves showing off their famous “butt wiggle” whenever they’re excited to see you. Their short tails and fluffy behinds make this wiggle dance all the more adorable, and it’s their way of expressing pure joy and affection. Corgis also love to “herd” their humans, often nudging or gently corralling them to stay together. This behavior comes from their herding instincts, but when they do it to you, it’s their way of keeping you close and showing that they care. For Corgi, love ensures their favorite people are never too far away.

French Bulldog


French Bulldogs have one of the most charming love languages: they snort and grunt affectionately. These little dogs are known for their expressive faces and unique sounds, and they often use these vocalizations to communicate their feelings. A happy Frenchie will make all sorts of funny noises when they’re content or excited to see you. French Bulldogs also love being lap dogs, snuggling up as close as possible to show affection. Their unusual love language involves physical closeness and vocal expressions, making them one of the most entertaining breeds of showing love.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are known for being incredibly affectionate and people-oriented, but their love language is rooted in one thing: play. Labs show their affection through their enthusiasm for games, whether fetch, tug-of-war or just romping around in the yard. For them, love is all about spending active time with their favorite people. Labs also have a tendency to lean against their owners and rest their heads in their laps, soaking up as much affection as possible. Their love language combines physical touch and playfulness, making them one of the most affectionate and energetic breeds.



Pomeranians may be small, but their love language is about being the center of attention. These fluffy dogs often express their affection by “demanding” interaction, whether by pawing at your hand, giving you their famous Pomeranian stare, or even barking for attention. They crave constant engagement and thrive on being doted on by their owners. Pomeranians will also show affection by curling up next to you or sitting on your lap, but they’re always sure to keep the spotlight on themselves. For them, love is all about being noticed and adored.

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These dog breeds show that love comes in all forms—and each has its special way of expressing it. From snorts and wiggles to dropping a toy at your feet, these pups display affection in unique ways that reflect their personalities. Next time your dog shows off one of their quirky habits, remember—they might be better at showing love than you are! Who needs roses when you have a loyal dog with their perfect love language, bringing endless joy and devotion into your life?

The post 10 Dog Breeds With The Most Unusual Love Languages appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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