12 Dog Breeds With Secret Superpowers You Never Knew About


Dogs are incredible creatures with an array of impressive talents, many of which go unnoticed by the average pet owner. While we may be familiar with their loyalty, love, and companionship, some breeds have secret “superpowers” that set them apart. These hidden talents, often developed through centuries of specialized breeding, can range from extraordinary senses to unusual physical abilities. Whether it’s a keen instinct for detecting danger, an uncanny sense of direction, or other remarkable traits, these dogs have abilities that might surprise even the most seasoned dog lovers.



The Bloodhound is famous for its incredible sense of smell, a superpower that puts it far ahead of most other dog breeds. With over 230 million scent receptors, the Bloodhound can track scents that are days old over vast distances. Their noses are so accurate that their findings are admissible in court, as they’ve helped solve many missing person cases. This breed’s superpowered nose can even pick up on individual scents in a crowd, making them the ultimate detectives in the canine world. Their tracking ability is so advanced that they’re often used in search and rescue missions.

Australian Cattle Dog

Best raw dog food for Australian Cattle Dogs

The Australian Cattle Dog’s superpower lies in its incredible endurance and stamina. Originally bred to herd cattle across long distances, these dogs can work tirelessly for hours, covering miles without showing signs of fatigue. Their muscular build and sharp intelligence allow them to navigate rough terrain while keeping livestock in line easily. The breed’s strong work ethic and seemingly endless energy make it perfect for physically demanding jobs, and its resilience is truly unmatched among herding breeds.



The Basenji has a unique superpower: it doesn’t bark. Instead, this African breed makes a sound known as a “baroo,” a yodel-like vocalization. This quiet nature may not seem like a superpower initially, but Basenji’s calm demeanor is a welcome trait for those seeking a silent companion. Beyond its silence, the Basenji is highly intelligent and independent, capable of solving problems and finding out of tricky situations. Combined with their quiet nature, these qualities make them feel like stealthy ninjas of the dog world.

Belgian Malinois


The Belgian Malinois is a true working dog known for its agility, strength, and intelligence. Its superpower lies in its ability to perform high-stakes tasks that require precision and focus. Belgian Malinois are frequently employed in police work, military operations, and security due to their ability to detect explosives, narcotics, and even intruders with uncanny accuracy. Their incredible work drive and sharp instincts allow them to take on highly dangerous and challenging tasks, often excelling where other breeds may falter. Their mental and physical agility make them one of the most versatile dogs in the working world.

Pharaoh Hound


The Pharaoh Hound has a unique superpower that few people know about, and it blushes. This ancient breed dates back to ancient Egypt and can blush when it is excited or happy. This happens as the inside of its ears and nose turn a noticeable pink or reddish color. Besides this charming trait, Pharaoh Hounds are also incredibly fast and agile, often called “gazelle-like” for their speed and grace. They were originally bred for hunting, and their athletic abilities and rare blushing make them truly unique.

Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog’s superpower is its incredible swimming ability. Originally bred to assist fishermen, this breed has webbed feet and an excellent sense of direction in water, making it an exceptional swimmer. They were used to retrieve nets, herd fish into fishermen’s nets, and even carry messages between ships. Their ability to navigate rough waters and strong swimming skills make them one of the best water dogs in the world. Today, their love of water makes them great companions for families who enjoy water sports or live near the coast.

Finnish Lapphund


The Finnish Lapphund’s superpower is its remarkable resistance to cold weather. Bred to herd reindeer in the Arctic Circle, this breed has developed an incredibly thick, weather-resistant coat that allows it to work and thrive in freezing temperatures. Their ability to withstand extreme cold makes them perfect for outdoor activities in cold climates, and their natural agility allows them to navigate snowy and icy terrain easily. Finnish Lapphunds are friendly and affectionate despite their rugged nature, proving that this breed’s “superpower” doesn’t come at the expense of their lovable personality.

Ibizan Hound


The Ibizan Hound’s superpower lies in its extraordinary jumping ability. These dogs can easily leap over fences and obstacles, reaching heights that most other breeds can’t. This makes them natural athletes, and they excel in agility competitions due to their speed and jumping prowess. Ibizan Hounds were originally bred for hunting, and their leaping ability allowed them to catch rabbits and other small game. Even in modern times, they continue to impress their owners with their high-flying jumps and incredible agility, making them a standout breed in any athletic competition.

Lagotto Romagnolo


The Lagotto Romagnolo has a superpower many food lovers will appreciate: it’s a natural truffle hunter. With its extraordinary smell, the Lagotto can sniff out truffles, the highly prized delicacies that grow underground. This ancient breed from Italy was originally used as a water retriever, but it has since gained fame for its truffle-hunting skills. Its ability to locate these hidden treasures in dense forests is unmatched, and Lagottos are still used today by truffle hunters across Europe. Their specialized noses make them invaluable to those in the culinary world.



The Xoloitzcuintli, or Mexican Hairless Dog, has a superpower that might not be immediately obvious: it has healing powers. In ancient times, people believed that the Xolo’s warm, hairless body could help alleviate pain and sickness. While this may seem like folklore, many modern owners report that their Xolo’s body heat relieves arthritis and muscle pain. Beyond its mythical healing powers, the Xolo is known for its loyalty and calm temperament, making it a comforting companion in more ways than one.



The Schipperke’s secret superpower is its ability to guard and protect with unmatched vigilance. Despite its small size, this Belgian breed is fierce and protective, making it an excellent watchdog. Originally bred to guard barges and boats, Schipperkes is always alert, ready to sound the alarm at the first sign of trouble. Their fearless demeanor and sharp senses make them excellent home protectors, and their energy levels ensure they’re always looking for potential dangers. Don’t let their size fool you—Schipperkes take their guardian role seriously.

Tibetan Mastiff


The Tibetan Mastiff’s superpower is its incredible strength and protective instincts. This ancient breed was bred to guard livestock in the harsh terrains of the Himalayas, and it has retained its strong guarding instincts. Tibetan Mastiffs are known for their loyalty and ability to protect their families with unwavering dedication. Their massive size, combined with their imposing appearance, makes them natural protectors, and they are often described as fearless when defending their loved ones. Despite their intimidating presence, Tibetan Mastiffs are also calm and gentle with their families, making them both protectors and loving companions.

Unleashing the Superpowers


These dog breeds have remarkable abilities that go beyond typical canine traits. From the Bloodhound’s incredible scent-tracking to the Basenji’s unique vocalizations and the Lagotto Romagnolo’s truffle-hunting skills, each breed possesses a special “superpower” that makes them stand out. With impressive physical abilities and sharp instincts, these dogs never amaze us. Their hidden talents remind us that there’s always more to uncover about the extraordinary capabilities of our four-legged companions, proving just how unique and versatile they truly are.\

The post 12 Dog Breeds With Secret Superpowers You Never Knew About appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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