11 Breeds That Are Masters at Snatching Your Spot


Anyone who shares their home with a dog has likely experienced the classic scenario: you leave the couch just a moment to return and find your furry friend comfortably stretched out in your spot. Whether it’s the warmth you left behind or the simple fact that your dog just wants to be near you, some breeds are particularly notorious for sneaking into your favorite seat. With their love of comfort, affection, and sometimes mischief, these dogs make themselves home on the couch.



Beagles, with their playful personalities and love for being around their humans, are known for sneaking onto the couch at every opportunity. These curious and energetic dogs love a warm, cozy space and are quick to claim your spot the second you get up. Beagles are pack animals, and they thrive on companionship, so sitting in your spot is their way of staying close to you. Their small to medium size makes it easy for them to fit into any cozy nook, and their stubborn streak means they’ll often try to stay in your spot even when asked to move.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are affectionate, loyal dogs who thrive on being close to their families. Their gentle nature and love for cuddling make them quickly snatch your seat the moment you leave. Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly personalities, but they also have a knack for finding the coziest spots in the house—whether it’s your favorite couch or chair. They’re social dogs that want to be where the action is, and if that means taking over your spot, so be it. Their large size makes their couch theft more noticeable, but it’s hard to get upset when they give you those big, soulful eyes.

French Bulldog


French Bulldogs are compact dogs with a love for comfort and relaxation. Known for their calm yet playful nature, Frenchies are notorious for stealing spots on the couch or bed. They love to be near their humans and will take any opportunity to claim the warm spot you’ve just vacated. French Bulldogs are small but sturdy, and their affectionate nature makes them want to be as close to you as possible. Once they’ve settled in, these little couch thieves are known for their stubbornness, making it difficult for them to move from their cozy position.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small dogs with big hearts, and they love nothing more than curling up in a soft, warm spot—especially if it’s the one you’ve just left. These affectionate dogs are true lap dogs, and they thrive on human companionship. Cavaliers will quickly snuggle into your place on the couch, instantly claiming it as their own. Their gentle and calm demeanor makes them pros at sneaking into your seat without causing a fuss. Once they’ve settled in, they look so comfortable that it’s almost impossible to move them.



With their long bodies and short legs, Dachshunds are surprisingly good at sneaking onto your couch when you stand up. These curious and determined little dogs are known for their love of comfort and will always find the coziest spot in the house. Dachshunds love to burrow under blankets or pillows, so if you leave your couch for a moment, you might return to find them curled up in your spot, looking quite pleased with themselves. Their independent streak means they won’t always be quick to move when you return, making them masters at claiming your seat.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds are laid-back, easygoing dogs that love to lounge around, making them prime candidates for sneaking onto your spot on the couch. Known for their relaxed demeanor, Basset Hounds often snooze in the coziest places they can find. Their long, droopy ears and soulful eyes add to their charm as they stretch out in the warm spot you’ve just left. Bassets are not in a hurry to give up a comfy seat, and once they’ve claimed your spot, they’re likely to stay there for a while, making them true experts in couch theft.



Pugs are small, charming dogs that have perfected the art of sneaking into your spot on the couch. With their love for warmth and comfort, Pugs will happily curl up in the space you’ve just vacated, enjoying the cozy seat you’ve left behind. Pugs are known for their affectionate and playful nature, and they love being close to their owners. Once they’ve settled into your spot, they’ll often give you an innocent look, making it hard to ask them to move. Their compact size and love for cuddling make them some of the most successful spot thieves.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus are small, affectionate dogs that love to be pampered, and they’re always looking for the softest, coziest place to rest. If you leave the couch, even for a second, your Shih Tzu is likely to snatch your spot without hesitation. Known for their luxurious coats and regal demeanor, Shih Tzus have a way of making themselves home in any comfy spot. Their love for being close to their owners and their calm, laid-back nature makes them experts at sneaking onto the couch and claiming it as their own.

Great Dane


Despite their massive size, Great Danes are known for their love of comfort and will happily try to fit into your spot on the couch. These gentle giants have a way of making themselves at home wherever they please, and if you leave the couch for just a moment, they won’t hesitate to take over. Great Danes are affectionate and social dogs, and they love being close to their humans—even if that means squeezing into a space that seems far too small for them. Their size might make them obvious spot thieves, but their calm and loving nature makes it hard to ask them to move.

Lhasa Apso


Lhasa Apsos are small, confident dogs that love to relax in cozy spaces. These dogs are known for their independence, but they also enjoy being close to their owners. If you leave the couch for just a moment, a Lhasa Apso is likely to take advantage of the opportunity and snatch your spot. Lhasa Apsos have a natural love for comfort, and they enjoy lounging around in warm, soft spaces. Their long coats and calm demeanor make them look right at home on the couch, and once they’ve claimed your spot, they’re unlikely to give it up easily.

Boston Terrier

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Boston Terriers are small, energetic dogs with a love for snuggling. Known for their playful personalities and love of human companionship, Boston Terriers always seek a comfortable resting spot. If you leave the couch, even for a moment, a Boston Terrier will quickly jump in and claim your spot as their own. These dogs are known for their affectionate nature, and they thrive on being close to their owners. Once they’ve settled into your warm spot, they’ll give you a charming look that makes it hard to move them, proving they are true masters at snatching your seat.

Couch Thieves Extraordinaire


These breeds are renowned for their love of comfort and knack for quickly claiming the best seat as soon as their owners stand up. Whether it’s their affectionate personalities, need for warmth, or playful nature, these dogs are masters at sneaking onto the couch and making themselves comfortable. Though it can be frustrating to find your spot taken, their cute expressions and loving demeanor make it hard to stay upset. After all, who can resist a dog just wanting to be close, even if it means stealing your spot?

The post 11 Breeds That Are Masters at Snatching Your Spot appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

via Whisker Therapy

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