November 2023

A San Diego animal shelter received a call from Drew Smith, a 41-year-old engineer, several months ago. However, after failing to locate a dog he desired, he reluctantly took on Carl, a sickly 4-year-old Spaniel mix. He had no clue that the pup he was rescuing would ultimately save his life by possibly saving his home!


Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video

When Drew arrived home from work, he found Carl in the backyard with a furious and persistent bark. Even though he was otherwise a rather quiet dog, Drew was awakened from his slumber one night by the insistent and excruciating howls of Carl, who was usually a very “silent” companion.

At first, he tuned out the barks because they sounded odd, but then he recalled that Carl had been acting strangely all day. He quickly flipped on the lights in an alarming state to discover smoke billowing from the walls.

Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video


Drew managed to grab Carl in his arms and flee his apartment just before the flames began erupting from all sides thanks to the bark alarm. Drew made another amazing discovery! A fire had been smoldering “in the walls” for days, it appeared.

The whole week, Carl was suffering from headaches and a sore throat, but he never connected them to inhaling suppressed smoke.


Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video


Drew revealed that he did not want to adopt Carl due to the prospect of medical expenses associated with his dental problems. But after witnessing Carl’s brave act, Drew now believes that nothing is more precious than a dog’s devotion and loyalty. He knows he’s in good company since he has a wonderful relationship with his rescue companion!

Be sure to watch this video until the very end! It’s truly heartwarming and gripping!

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via Whisker Therapy

Traveling couple Wes and Enes stumbled upon a heart-wrenching sight on the side of a mountain: a small puppy covered in wet spray paint who was also injured. The pup, later named Blue, was wagging his tail and seemed happy to receive their affection. The couple decided to take him to their hotel and give him a bath.


While on the side of the mountain, the couple noticed a mother dog and three other puppies that resembled Blue. They speculated that the mother dog and other pups were Blue’s family. His health was in peril and the couple knew they couldn’t leave him like that. They picked him up and took him back to their hotel.



Blue’s first bath revealed that someone had deliberately sprayed him with ink. Despite his injuries, Blue seemed content to soak in the warm water and later took a nap. However, at 2 A.M., Blue woke up in agony, panting and with a high temperature. The couple rushed him to a 24-hour vet, who believed that Blue had fallen off a hill and was in critical condition. Without their intervention, Blue would have likely passed away.

The vet took Blue in for ten days, giving him the necessary shots and ensuring his proper healing. Between his prolonged vet visit and then staying with the couple, Blue began transitioning from a street dog to a domesticated animal. The couple, now deeply attached to the pup, wished they could keep him. However, as full-time travelers, they knew Blue needed stability and a routine. They turned to Instagram to find a loving home for Blue.




After several video calls, they found the perfect home for Blue with Austin and Tori, who had a one-year-old Golden Retriever. After flying from Turkey to Denver, Colorado, the couple took Blue to his new forever home. Though it was a heartbreaking day, they knew they had made the right decision.

Blue’s new family, Austin and Tori, and their Golden Retriever, Bogey, were thrilled to welcome him into their lives. Blue is now spoiled, happy, and living the life the couple had hoped for him. They believe that their paths crossed with Blue because destiny intervened. Wes and Enes saved his life! And in turn, Blue reminded them that anything is possible through the power of love and compassion.


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A three-month-old puppy sat trembling beside traffic after her owners threw her out of the car in a bag. They wanted her to go over the bridge down into the ravine, but she hit the guardrail and worked her way out of the bag. The poor thing scattered across the road to the corner.

Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via Facebook Video


But help was on the way! Prue from Mission Paws’ible made it through the busy traffic to get to the dog, but the pup barked out of fear. It wasn’t until the rescuer went back to her car and grabbed some lasagna that the puppy started to trust her. And that was the turning point!


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via Facebook Video


They bonded over the food before heading away from the scary situation. Prue already had several dogs at home and all clinics were closed, so she called a friend. They were willing to foster Ellie until she eventually met Maria. The dog now lives with her in her forever home where she’ll never be discarded like trash again!

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This Budweiser Christmas commercial from 1987 will take you back and put you in the holiday spirit! Who doesn’t love the Budweiser Clydesdales?


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: IrishRadio via YouTube Video


This one’s a classic!

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Dobermans, known for their loyalty and athletic physique, are a breed that requires a carefully balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality. This comprehensive guide is designed to help Doberman owners understand the optimal nutritional needs of their pets, ensuring they lead a healthy, active, and fulfilling life.

Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Dobermans

Dobermans are large, energetic dogs that require a balanced diet to support their active lifestyle. Their diet should include high-quality proteins, essential fats, easily digestible carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining their muscular build and preventing health issues.

High-Quality Protein: The Foundation of a Doberman’s Diet

Protein is crucial for maintaining the lean muscle mass of Dobermans. Look for dog food that lists real meat, such as chicken, beef, or fish, as the primary ingredient. Adequate protein intake supports their physical activity and helps in muscle repair and growth.

Essential Fats: Vital for Energy and Coat Health

Fats, especially Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, are essential in a Doberman’s diet. They provide energy, support brain function, and help keep their coat shiny and skin healthy. Sources of good fats include fish oil, flaxseed, and chicken fat.

Carbohydrates for Energy: Choosing the Right Types

Carbohydrates are essential for providing energy to Dobermans. Opt for complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats, which offer long-lasting energy and aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Avoid excessive simple carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain.

Vitamins and Minerals: Supporting Overall Health

A range of vitamins and minerals is essential for the overall health of Dobermans. Look for foods fortified with vitamins A, D, E, and B-complex and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients support immune health, bone strength, and overall bodily functions.

Portion Control: Managing Weight in Dobermans

Due to their size and tendency towards obesity, controlling portions and feeding them two to three balanced meals daily is essential to managing a Doberman’s weight. Regular exercise is also crucial for maintaining their ideal weight.

Special Dietary Considerations for Doberman Puppies

Doberman puppies have different nutritional requirements than adult dogs. Puppy formulas rich in protein and fat and balanced for growth are crucial for their development. Feeding them small, frequent meals supports their rapid growth and high energy levels.

Wet Food vs. Dry Food: What’s Best for Dobermans?

Choosing between wet and dry food depends on your Doberman’s preference and specific health needs. Dry food can benefit dental health, while wet food is more hydrating and often palatable. A combination of both can provide varied nutritional benefits.

Healthy Treats for Dobermans: Making Smart Choices

Treats are an important part of training and bonding, but choosing healthy options for Dobermans is essential. Low-calorie treats and snacks like carrots or apple slices are good choices. Treats should only make up a small portion of their daily calorie intake.

Transitioning Your Doberman to a New Diet

When changing your Doberman’s diet, it’s essential to do so gradually over a week or more to avoid digestive upset. Start by mixing a small amount of the new food with the current food, gradually increasing the new and decreasing the old.

Understanding Dog Food Labels: Choosing the Right Food for Your Doberman

Understanding dog food labels is essential for choosing the right food for your Doberman. Select products with high-quality ingredients, real meat as the first ingredient, and without unnecessary fillers. The food should meet AAFCO nutritional standards for dogs.

Homemade Diets: Are They Suitable for Dobermans?

While homemade diets can offer fresh, whole-food nutrition, they require careful planning to ensure they are balanced and meet all nutritional needs. Consult a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist before opting for a homemade diet for your Doberman.

Hydration: Ensuring Your Doberman Stays Well-Hydrated

Adequate hydration is crucial for Dobermans. Ensure your dog has constant access to clean water, as dehydration can lead to serious health issues, particularly after exercise or in hot weather.

Feeding your Doberman a balanced, nutritious diet tailored to their needs is essential for their health and happiness. Regular vet check-ups, careful monitoring of their weight and health, and adjustments to their diet as needed will help ensure your Doberman leads a healthy, active life. Remember, every Doberman is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Therefore, it’s essential to consider your individual dog’s needs when planning their diet.


What Health Issues Are Dobermans Prone To, and How Can a Proper Diet Help?

Dobermans, admired for their intelligence and loyalty, are a breed with specific health concerns that diet can influence. Understanding these predispositions and how nutrition plays a role in prevention and management is crucial for Doberman owners. This article delves into the common health issues faced by Dobermans and explores how a proper diet can help maintain their health.

Managing Weight in Dobermans: A Dietary Focus

Obesity is a significant health concern in Dobermans, leading to other issues like joint problems, diabetes, and heart disease. A diet controlled in calories and rich in high-quality proteins can help maintain a healthy weight. Portion control and regular exercise are also vital in managing weight in Dobermans.

Joint Health: Nutrition for Preventing Hip Dysplasia

Dobermans are prone to joint issues like hip dysplasia. Diets enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin can support joint health. Keeping your Doberman at a healthy weight also reduces the stress on their joints, mitigating the risk of common problems.

Skin and Coat Health: Nutritional Considerations

Dobermans often have skin allergies and sensitivities, leading to coat and skin issues. A diet rich in essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, can promote healthy skin and a shiny coat. Limited-ingredient diets or hypoallergenic foods can help in managing skin allergies.

Cardiac Health in Dobermans: The Role of Diet

Heart issues, including dilated cardiomyopathy, are common in Dobermans. A diet low in sodium and rich in heart-healthy nutrients, such as taurine and omega-3 fatty acids, can support cardiovascular health. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for early detection and management.

Preventing Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (Bloat)

Dobermans are at risk for bloat, a life-threatening condition. Feeding smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding vigorous exercise around meal times can reduce this risk. An easily digestible and fiber-rich diet can also promote good digestive health.

Dietary Support for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism can occur in Dobermans, affecting their metabolism. A diet that supports thyroid health, including iodine-rich foods and controlled calorie intake, can be beneficial. Regular veterinary monitoring is essential for managing this condition.

Kidney Health: Importance of Diet

Dobermans can develop kidney issues like all breeds, especially as they age. A diet lower in phosphorus and protein but rich in omega-3 fatty acids can support kidney function. Always consult with a veterinarian for dietary recommendations for dogs with kidney issues.

Importance of a Balanced Diet for Doberman Health

A balanced diet for a Doberman should include the right balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This balance supports their overall health and can mitigate the risks of breed-specific health issues.

Conclusion: The Role of Diet in a Doberman’s Health

Dobermans are prone to several health issues; a proper diet can significantly prevent or manage these problems. Tailoring your Doberman’s diet to their specific health needs can dramatically enhance their quality of life. Regular veterinary check-ups and carefully considering dietary choices can help your Dobermans remain healthy and happy.


Frequently Asked Questions About Feeding Dobermans

1. What is the best type of food for a Doberman?

The best food for a Doberman is high-quality dog food, specifically formulated for large breeds, rich in proteins and moderate fats. Look for foods with real meat as the primary ingredient, and avoid fillers like corn and wheat. Matching the food to your Doberman’s age, activity level, and specific health needs is essential.

2. How much should I feed my Doberman?

The amount to feed a Doberman varies based on their age, size, and activity level. Generally, adult Dobermans need about 2 to 4 cups of dry food per day, split into two meals. Always follow the feeding guidelines on the food package and adjust as needed based on your dog’s health and activity level.

3. Can Dobermans eat a grain-free diet?

Dobermans can eat a grain-free diet, but it’s unnecessary unless they have specific allergies or sensitivities. Ensure that the grain-free diet is balanced and provides all the essential nutrients. Consult with your vet before making significant changes to your dog’s diet.

4. Are there any foods that are harmful to Dobermans?

Several foods harm Dobermans, including chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and xylitol. Avoiding these foods and being cautious about human foods you share with your pet is essential.

5. How often should I feed my Doberman?

Feeding your Doberman twice a day is generally recommended. This helps to manage hunger, maintain stable energy levels, and help prevent conditions like bloat.

6. Is it okay to give my Doberman human food?

While some human foods are safe for Dobermans in moderation, others can be harmful. Secure options include cooked lean meats, fruit, vegetables, and plain rice. Avoid toxic foods and consult your vet about secure human food options.

7. Should I give my Doberman supplements?

Supplements can benefit Dobermans, especially those with specific health concerns like joint issues or skin allergies. However, they should only be given under a veterinarian’s advice to ensure they are necessary and safe.

8. How can I tell if my Doberman is overweight?

An overweight Doberman may have a less visible waist and rib definition. You should be able to feel their ribs without a thick layer of fat. Consult your vet for a proper evaluation and diet plan if your Doberman is overweight.

9. What is the best way to transition my Doberman to a new food?

Transition your Doberman to new food gradually over 7-10 days. Start by mixing a small amount of the fresh food with their current food, gradually increasing the fresh food and decreasing the old. This helps prevent digestive upset.

10. Can Dobermans be vegetarians?

While dogs can survive on a vegetarian diet, it’s not ideal for Dobermans, as they thrive on a diet that includes high-quality animal proteins. If considering a vegetarian diet for health or ethical reasons, consult a vet to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

11. What are the signs of food allergies in Dobermans?

Signs of food allergies in Dobermans include itching, skin rashes, ear infections, and gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting. If you suspect your Doberman has a food allergy, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and management.

12. Is wet or dry food better for Dobermans?

Choosing between wet and dry food depends on your Doberman’s preferences and health needs. Dry food benefits dental health, while wet food can be more palatable and hydrating. Some owners opt for a mix of both to balance benefits.

13. How can I prevent my Doberman from eating too fast?

To prevent your Doberman from eating too fast, consider using a slow feeder bowl, dividing their meals into smaller portions, or feeding them using interactive food puzzles. Eating slowly is vital for digestion and can reduce the risk of bloat.

14. Can I feed my Doberman a raw diet?

Feeding a Doberman a raw diet can be done, but it requires careful planning to ensure it’s balanced and safe. Raw diets have risks like bacterial contamination and nutritional imbalances, so consult a vet before starting a raw diet.

15. How do I know if my Doberman’s diet is nutritionally balanced?

A nutritionally balanced diet for a Doberman should include the right proportions of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Look for dog foods that meet AAFCO guidelines and consult your veterinarian to ensure the diet meets your dog’s needs.

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Maria the Dachshund was forced to breed even though she was paralyzed from the hips down. But when her breeders realized that her next delivery would require a $3,000 C-section, they abandoned her without hesitation.


Image/Story Source Credit: Friends of Emma Medical Rescue via YouTube Video


But Friends Of Emma Medical Rescue found the pregnant and terrified dog and took her in to help her give birth. The poor girl was severely anemic covered in fleas and infections and had to resort to dragging her heavy body through the grass.


Image/Story Source Credit: Friends of Emma Medical Rescue via YouTube Video


Maria ended up giving birth while in the care of the rescue, and she became a mother to seven healthy and beautiful puppies! The Dachshund received therapy and more care while in the shelter helping her to get back on her feet. Now she’s doing much better thanks to these kind people!

UPDATE: Since the video was posted, Maria and all seven of her sweet puppies have found their loving forever homes!


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When Selina and her friend Jen first encountered Dobby, the terrified dog was visibly unwell and in desperate need of help. Despite his fear, hunger drove him to approach the two women, who realized they needed to tread carefully to avoid scaring him off.


Initially, Selina and Jen tried to catch Dobby with a leash, but the frightened dog managed to escape their grasp. They spent hours searching for him, eventually deciding that they needed to establish trust and socialize with him before attempting to catch him again.

The turning point came when they found Dobby hiding in a drainage area. They patiently coaxed him out, offering gentle words of encouragement and praise. This process took hours, but the women were determined not to give up on the traumatized dog.


Finally, they decided to enlist the help of a professional dog catcher, who managed to net Dobby safely. Relieved to have finally caught him, Selina and Jen immediately brought the dog to a vet for medical attention. Although calmer in the clinic, his fear of humans was still evident.

Recognizing Dobby’s need for love and human contact, the kind-hearted Jen decided to take him in and care for him. At first, Dobby would hide under a cupboard and refuse to come out. However, with time, patience, and plenty of love, he gradually began to gain weight, regrow his fur, and come out of his shell.


Jen fell so deeply in love with Dobby that she decided to adopt him. Now, the once-terrified dog is loving and attached to his new owner. Rescuing a dog like Dobby requires an immense amount of time, effort, and love, but the rewards are immeasurable.

In the video below, Selina says, “You know when they say you fall in love, you actually fall– and you just hope that someone’s going to catch you. That’s how it was; that’s why I call it a love story with these two.” Fast forward two years later, and Mom and pup are thriving together. You won’t believe what Dobby looks like now!

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Many of us are concerned about who would care for our pets if we were to pass away. This tale is a teaching to all of us: be ready. We may never know what tomorrow has in store for us.

An elderly gentleman passed away. He was not prepared and his dog was given to a new family. For an entire year, this new family severely neglected Cocos’s beloved companion, a Bobtail or Old English Sheepdog named Cocos. Their beautiful coats need constant care. Their lengthy hair can get snagged and wrap around their eyes if it is not groomed on a regular basis.

His new family, however, didn’t care to groom him and his coat grew out of control into a tangled mess that actually impeded his mobility and respiration. This wasn’t simply a cosmetic issue; it was life or going to the Rainbow Bridge.


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail


Cocos was neglected, and he didn’t just lose out on regular grooming; he was completely overlooked! All dogs require activity and affection, as well as a balanced diet and regular grooming. He was left alone in the kitchen like he wasn’t even there.


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail

As you can see, getting Cocos to relax took a lot of effort. He didn’t even appear like a dog!


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail


Back at the facility, Cocos was taken to a veterinarian. They worked for over three hours to remove all of his matted hair. They discovered sores and infections beneath the fur that had been rubbing his skin raw.


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail

Is that an eye? Oh my goodness, there he is… !

Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail


A gorgeous dog appears after three hours. Cocos can breathe and move. He just needs the ideal forever family who will never let him down now.


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail


Elena, on the other hand, was just what Cocos needed. She was well-informed about Sheepdogs and eager to provide him with a good life.  She knows how to keep him active and healthy by trimming his fur. Just take a look at him now! That’s one happy dog!


Image/Story Source Credit: DailyMail

Finally, after a long wait, Coco is able to live the life he deserves!

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Jessica found a small, pink object on the ground while picking up her son from the bus stop. She was unsure of its origin but assumed it had fallen from a nearby tree branch. Although the object was difficult to identify, she decided to bring it home with her.

Jessica, who is an animal lover, wanted to save a small creature that resembled a squirrel. Although her husband was initially hesitant, she tried her best to keep the animal warm while Googling images for assistance. She then sent her husband to get food and syringes to care for the little creature.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo


It was critical to keep him alive his first night. The newborn squirrel required feeding around the clock and continual warmth lights. Jessica did whatever she had to do. On the next day, Steve got his name, which meant “little fighter.”


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo


Steve accompanied her everywhere, as he had before. She needed to bring him along since he was hungry. He went to work with her, did errands with her, and even visited friends’ houses. Within a few weeks, Steve began to look like a squirrel.

His personality began to show. He was a spirited, fun little guy who adored to run, chew, and tussle about. Jessica made certain he had everything he needed, but like all youngsters, Steve got into mischief now and again. He had a particular affinity for chewing on books.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo


We are so happy that they were able to rescue this little cutie or as no know, Mr. Steve. You will absolutely love the rest of this story in the video below.


Click to watch this incredible and heartwarming happy ending in the video below!


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Sometimes, especially when they don’t listen, kids can be a handful. It’s not uncommon for youngsters to have temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. But this temper tantrum is unlike any you’ve ever seen before. That’s because it isn’t a kid; rather, it’s a Cockatoo!

Pebble the Cockatoo does not want to go back into her cage, as she would rather explore. This amusing video captured Pebble’s playful yet naughty side, as she has a tantrum when being told ‘no.’


Image/Story Video Source Credit: MegaBirdCrazy Channel via YouTube Video


She talks endlessly to her human dad, who repeatedly tells her to come closer. Some of what she says is inaudible, but a few curse words are distinct.

At 2:43 into the video, Pebble’s father asks if she has an attitude; conforming to his request, Pebble answers “Ya, that’s right!” It’s evident that this feisty bird won’t sugarcoat how she feels and takes no orders from anyone willingly.


Image/Story Video Source Credit: MegaBirdCrazy Channel via YouTube Video


Sadly, Pebble has gone from home to home in the past 20 years, but she’s finally with a loving family who takes great care of her. She may get moody sometimes, but she’s a great bird!


Image/Story Video Source Credit: MegaBirdCrazy Channel via YouTube Video


Cockatoos are part of the Parrot family and they share the talent for imitating sounds, including speech. Some Parrots, such as the African Grey Parrot imitate human speech perfectly, but Cockatoos are not quite as good at it. They can mimic words and sounds but their accuracy is limited which can make it hard to understand what Pebble is saying sometimes.

Click to watch what Pebbles has to say in the video below – enjoy!


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Takis Shelter has always stepped up as the organization to rescue and fight for the unwanted dogs who are recklessly abandoned to fend for themselves out in this big, scary world. So when Takis heard about a puppy dumped outside of a supermarket, he was on top of it!

The poor pup cried out and whimpered wondering what was going on. But she was scooped up and taken back to the Takis Shelter in Greece for care and a checkup. And she was so friendly and loving with everyone, including the other dogs!


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Video

She may have been small in stature, but she had a personality larger than life! How could anyone leave something so sweet behind with nothing? Clearly that person couldn’t see what everyone else saw in her, and it wasn’t long before she found her loving forever home!


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Video


Now in her forever space with a new mom and lots of doggy brothers and sisters, the little one is living it up! It’s one big happy family, and you have to see them for yourself in the video below.

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A happy accident. Tyson is the silliest and sweetest dog, and he’s the result of an accidental breeding between a Golden Retriever and a Husky… A Goberian, as they call him! He has all of the Siberian Husky features with the golden color!


Image/Story Source Credit: GeoBeats Animals via YouTube Video


With a Golden’s personality and those piercing blue eyes, he’s a unique dog Mom and Dad wouldn’t change for the world. Their other dog, Champ, was always super anxious, and the trainer thought he might benefit from having another dog in the household. And that’s where Tyson came into the picture to change the entire family’s lives forever!


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The Kriers live in Concordia, Kansas with their goofy and affectionate Black Labrador Bo. Normally an adventurous dog who often sneaks out for little neighborhood excursions, one day he went completely missing– leaving his family in a panic.


Image (screenshot)/Story Video Source: Kyle KrierYouTube Video


In Kyle Krier’s frantic search for his beloved dog Bo, he finally received a call tip about a possible sighting of Bo 6 miles from their home. When he got to the field and found Bo, he was overjoyed.


But then he realized that Bo had made some new friends who he didn’t want to leave behind!


Image (screenshot)/Story Video Source: Kyle KrierYouTube Video


In this “reunion” video, we see Kyle recording Bo’s return. As Bo approaches him, Kyle sees two more animals following behind him. When the trio reaches the truck, Bo tells his friends to get in and asks Kyle to bring them home!


Image (screenshot)/Story Video Source: Kyle KrierYouTube Video


Having no other option, Kyle drove the other dog and the goat back to the city. He soon discovered that Bo’s new friends are called Libby and Ozzy, and they actually belong to one of his neighbors! Looks like Bo had planned an elaborate adventure with his new furry friends, and their owners had no clue about it!


Click the video below to watch Bo, Libby, and Ozzy’s hilarious escapade to the outskirts of the city!


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Kids love to play and this baby goat is no exception. He discovered the joy of bouncing on a trampoline one day and couldn’t stop. Being naturally curious, he tested the trampoline and quickly figured out how to make it work. It was time to have some fun! 

Source/Image Screenshot Credit: iiteotwawki via YouTube Video


He is incredibly athletic and skilled on the trampoline, impressively prancing around with ease. Despite his ability, his mother stays close to watch over him and makes sure he stays safe.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: iiteotwawki via YouTube Video


Despite the plan, the mama goat started chewing on the trampoline while her kid was still bouncing around on it, seemingly enjoying herself.

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Thank you for participating in our Black Friday Facebook Trivia! Please choose ONE of the items below as a prize. If you have any questions, please email

Dog Mom Sterling Silver Dog Paw Adjustable Ring

Santa’s Twas The Night Before Christmas with Dogs & Cats Shadow Box with Lights


Forever My Guardian Angel Pup Garden Solar Light 

iHeartDogs Exclusive- Home For The Holidays Christmas Musical, Water Glittering Dog Snow Globe


I Love You To The Moon & Back- The Ultimate Garden Solar Lantern

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