March 19, 202511:51:26 PM

11 Pitbulls Who Have Something They Need To Tell You

Perhaps the most misunderstood dog breed around today, Pit Bulls are often assumed to be mean-spirited and dangerous animals. Check any preconceived notions at the door before reading further, though, because you’re about to meet 12 pits who would like you to kindly stop bullying their breed…and get to know them for what they really are!

Spoiler Alert: what they are is awesome.

1.) “We don’t take ourselves too seriously.”

2.) “We will bring you gifts!

3.) “No matter their species or breed size, our friends mean everything to us.

4.) “Like you, we often practice the art of selfie’ing with said friends.”

5.) “Like all dogs, we get pretty bummed when our humans leave for work or to run errands…or even just to go to the bathroom.”

6.) “Likewise, we basically lose our minds with joy as soon as we hear you approaching the door to return home.”

7.) “We can’t help our excitement…we just love our humans SO. MUCH.”

8.) “We give great kisses.”

9.) “We love going outside. Like…really love it.”

10.) “We are so grateful for each of our birthdays, especially when they’re spent in our forever homes.”

11.) “All in all, we’re a bunch of happy, fun-loving pups who love to love you…and just want a chance to prove it.”

via Whisker Therapy

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