Dog Abandoned In Yard For 3 Months Is Finally In Safe Hands

Nino, a dog in Memphis, Tennessee, was left alone in a back yard for as long as 3 months with no food or water. After he was arrested and charged with animal cruelty, 27-year-old Kellen Jones, told police that he couldn’t afford to care for his dog since he had been out of a job.

Alexis Pugh, the director of Memphis Animal Services, said:

“The owner told [the officer] he’d been away three months. He’d made no arrangements to have the dog cared for. The owner of Nino was very forthcoming with these details so perhaps he was unaware of his legal obligations.”

WARNING: The following video contains images that some viewers may find disturbing.

Nobody is quite sure how Nino survived for so long without any food. It is suspected he may have eaten dead animals or even his own feces. Pugh said:

“Nino has zero evidence of fat on his body. Nino is a skeleton with skin on him. Nino is lucky to be alive today. When you talk about the worst level of starvation, that’s what we’re talking about with Nino.”

Nino has been cared for by Memphis Animal Services for the past few weeks, where he is fed every two hours to gain back his strength. It is hoped his condition will improve enough to allow him to go to a foster home.

Despite his ordeal, this pup is a true survivor. Thanks to his rescuers, he has a second chance to learn what it’s really like to be loved!


via Whisker Therapy

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