March 17, 202508:41:14 AM

Man Who Tortured Dog Sentenced To 8-10 Years Prison, Deportation

Polish national Radoslaw Czerkawski, who was convicted of abusing “Puppy Doe” – a Pit Bull mix named Kiyah – was sentenced to 8-10 years in prison and deportation for the torture of the dog, who was forced to be euthanized due to the horrific extent of her injuries. He was also sentenced to two years of probation and forbidden from ever having contact with, much less owning, another animal. Once he has completed his prison sentence, he will be deported back to Poland.

“Puppy Doe” was found Aug. 31, 2013, near a playground in Quincy, Massachusetts. She was still alive, but she weighed less than half of what she should for a 1-year-old Pit Bull, and she had numerous visible injuries, including what appeared to be a stab wound to her right eye and a burn on her nose.

According to the Animal Rescue League of Boston:

“In addition to being starved and beaten on many occasions, causing fractures to the head and body, she appears to have undergone some kind of crude cutting to create a serpent-like split to her tongue.”

Before Radoslaw Czerkawski had been located and charged in Kiyah’s abuse, District Attorney Morrissey said:

“The injuries cataloged in the post-mortem examination are grotesque and indicate consistent starvation and abuse over an extended period of time. It is highly unlikely that this level of sadistic cruelty could be shown to one animal and not be part of a pattern involving other animals or perhaps vulnerable people. We need to find the person who did this and see what else they are doing.”

Czerkawski bought Kiyah from Craigslist just a few months before she was found near death.

In 2015, Czerkawski was convicted of stealing $130,000 from an elderly woman that he had been caring for was sentenced to three to five years in prison.

The silver lining of this atrocious crime is that Massachusetts toughened up its animal abuse laws after Kiyah was found. The tougher laws don’t apply to Czerkawski, since he was arrested before the new legislation went into effect, but hopefully they will be enough to deter other criminals who think it’s okay to torture innocent animals. Animal Rescue League (ARL) President Mary Nee said:

“Today was a historic day for animal welfare in Massachusetts. With the conviction and sentencing of Radoslaw Czerkawski, it has been demonstrated that people who commit animal cruelty, and in this case extreme cruelty, will be held accountable.

Ironically, Puppy Doe’s short and tragic life was the impetus for stronger laws protecting all animals in the Commonwealth – and there’s still more work to do.”

(H/T: UNILAD,, ARL Boston)

via Whisker Therapy

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