We all pick favorites, whether we admit it or not. When it comes to dogs, they pick a favorite human and see no reason whatsoever to hide it. Some may call them clingy. You just call them yours. Here are 12 signs that you are one of those lucky dog moms with a mama’s dog by your side.
#1 – Will Not Leave Your Side
Mama’s dogs want to be with their mama. Not some of the time. Not part of the time. But all the mother lovin’ time. If you go to the kitchen, she comes, too. Venture out to get the mail and she wants to tag along. Leave for work, see #2 below. Your fur baby is like a heart-shaped shadow trailing your every move.
#2 – Sits at the Door Waiting for You
Whether you go to work, the grocery store, out with friends, or out to the mailbox you know exactly where you will find your loyal companion. She will be right there at the door where she last looked upon her favorite face waiting very patiently to see you again.
#3 – Favors You Above All Others
The affection of others is all fine and well, but only as a means to pass the time until you become available again. Your pup will happily cuddle up in the lap of an adoring fan, being worked over top to tail. But if you walk back into the room? That “other” is dropped like a bad habit and your pup is swiftly back in your orbit, right where she belongs.
#4 – Being Next to You Isn’t Close Enough
Your pup wants to be close to you. Not “next to you” close. More like “on top of you” close. It is not unusual for her to sit her hiney down right on your lap and push her side into your chest in a vain attempt to actually become one.
#5 – He Has a Seat at the Table
At dinner time, he won’t settle for eating on the floor beside the table. He strongly prefers to have his nose right near your knee or, if you condone it, a literal seat at the table. He will take his kibble on a plate or just have what you’re having. Bon appetite!
#6 – You Do Your Business with an Audience
Your pups need to be with you knows no bounds, even in the bathroom. From the day you brought her home, she asserted an open door policy in the bathroom that takes years to build up to in human relationships.
#7 – The Park is Play Time for You Two
Some pups go gallivanting all over the park, romping around with other dogs and having a grand old puppy play time. Your girl would rather sit by your side spectating because when it comes to the park, or any other place, you are the main event. She loves you just as much outside as she does inside.
#8 – The Sight of You Incites Puppy Zooms
Do you ever walk outside where your dog has been busily chewing sticks or pawing balls and the very sight of you sends him puppy zooming? He’s so excited and he just can’t hide it! You’re the greatest thing ever and he’s out to prove it with some fast laps.
#9 – She Only Has Ears for You
The kids can tell her to come. The dad can tell her to sit. The neighbor can call her by name. She will ignore them all. If you so much as whisper her name from two rooms over, she will bound to you with impressive speed, sit at attention, and await your every command.
#10 – He Stares at You with Those Eyes
You know the ones. Your pup looks at with eyes that communicate the depth of a thousand sappy poems in one stare. The adoration, commitment, and pure love seen in that stare is enough to melt your heart and make you swoon. It is simply the sweetest.
#11 – She Turns on a Dime
As her “others” run out the door to make chase in the yard she bounces behind them in hot pursuit. Until she happens to catch you in her peripheral and makes a complete about face. She forgets her plans and opts to see what you’re up to instead.
#12 – He Sleeps by Your Side
He has full reign in the house and can catch his Z’s anywhere he chooses. Where does he choose? Right by your side. He feels most at ease and lets out a long, grateful sigh before he settles down to sleep with his body touching yours. On chilly nights, he may even stretch out between your legs.
Mama’s dogs have a singular devotion. You! Any mama who has a dog like this knows just how lucky she is to be the target of such unwavering affection. With a love like that, you know that mama’s glad.
The post 12 Signs You’ve Got a Mama’s Dog by Your Side appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy