Children bond with their childhood pets in such a strong way. We never forget our first puppy love and will always hold them close in our hearts. For Nicole Grimes of Pennsylvania, the pup that first made that kind of mark was a small black and gray girl named Chloe.
Image Nicole Grimes Facebook
A Gift from Nana
Nicole’s grandmother gifted her the puppy when Nicole was 10 years old. Dressed in a pink bow, Nicole was immediately infatuated with the adorable puppy. The pair was soon inseparable. They enjoyed a loving and close friendship for 4 wonderful years. Life circumstances changed, though, and Nicole’s family had to make a heartbreaking decision.
Surrendered to the Humane Society
Nicole’s father had started a new job that required him to work from home with frequent phone calls. Chloe was quite the barker and the noise made it difficult for Nicole’s dad to engage in work conversations. One day, Nicole’s dad picked her up from school with Chloe in the back seat and she knew something terrible was about to happen. They surrendered Chloe to the local Humane Society leaving Nicole terribly sad and lonely.
Image Nicole Grimes Facebook
Now an Adult, She Decided to Adopt
Fast forward 7 years and Nicole was a 21 year old young woman with a child of her own. Her daughter Violet had recently celebrated her first birthday and Nicole was considering adopting a dog for the family. Coincidentally, a Facebook friend shared a photo of a senior dog she was fostering that needed a new home. The dog’s elderly parents had passed away and the neighbor, Nicole’s Facebook friend, was taking care of her until she found her new family. When Nicole saw the photo and learned the dog’s name was Chloe, she felt it was meant to be and brought the 11 year old dog home.
Image Nicole Grimes Facebook
Could it Be?
Once Chloe came home and Nicole was able to hold and love on her, she started to think maybe, just maybe this was actually her Chloe. Could it be possible that all these years later, Chloe and Nicole were reunited? Nicole posted to Facebook,
“As the day went on, different things she did/how she acted was EXACTLY what my old Chloe did. Last night I was holding her and just cried and cried because that dog was hugging me back and I just held her close to my heart. I just knew in my heart this was my Chloe.”
She told her husband of her hunch and he thought the idea was crazy. Not to be deterred, Nicole set out to find the truth.
Image Nicole Grimes Facebook
Microchip Check
Nicole’s mother called the Washington Humane Society to obtain the chip number for the Chloe they had surrendered all those years ago. Nicole then took Chloe to their local vet and had her microchip scanned. The number registered to the ‘new’ Chloe was 024 099 811. The number associated with the surrendered Chloe was the same. In an amazing twist of fate, Nicole had adopted the very dog she had been forced to give up as a child.
There is nothing greater than seeing those who love each other dearly be reunited. This story reminds us of many worthwhile life lessons.
Never give up hope. Miracles do happen. And love conquers all.
The post Woman Unknowingly Rescues Senior Dog She Lost 11 Year Prior appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy