Dozens of dogs were found at the Kabul International Airport following the evacuation of U.S. troops. There was some speculation that these dogs were military working dogs, but the Pentagon denies those claims. Yet, no matter where they came from, they need help. So, security guards at the airport volunteered to care for and train them for new roles. All the dogs are now receiving food, water, and love at a training facility on the airport grounds.
While the dogs would’ve been safer if they’d escaped Afghanistan, they’re in good hands for the time being. Also, they seem to love their new jobs.

30 Dogs Left Behind
Hewad Azizi, who works for the airport’s security, said that they found dogs in areas controlled by the U.S. Military and in areas controlled by Afghanistan police. They have no way to confirm who owned these canines.
Now, the focus is caring for the dogs and making sure they stay safe. Azizi and his colleagues are working on training them by figuring out what their skills are. Most of the dogs seem to excel at detecting bombs.
“When I saw [the soldiers leaving], I went to save the dogs,” Azizi said. “We have done training with them to find out what they are used for exactly.”

If the security guards hadn’t come to help the dogs, they could have died from heat or inadequate amounts of food and water.
Abandoned Dogs Find New Purpose
Security staff is working on training the dogs in ways that are both beneficial and fun. Azizi said his favorite dog to work with is a Belgian Malinois named Rex. Rex is great at sniffing out boxes that smell like explosives. Every time he sniffs out a bomb scent correctly, he gets rewarded with extra playtime.
“We have different dogs here. Narcotic dogs or drug dogs and explosive or bomb dogs,” said K9 supervisor Mohamad Mourid. “We’re training with different materials with them. Now we keep them here. We look, we train, we see how we can use them on the ground.”

The Kabul airport is currently shut down for repairs, but these dogs will start working as it gradually reopens. They will provide lots of assistance with security, and in return, they get lots of love. The security guards work together to feed, clean, and provide water for the dedicated pups. It’s about time that these abandoned dogs get the respect they deserve.
VIDEO: In a makeshift training centre at #Kabul airport, dozens of dogs that were left behind during last month’s chaotic evacuations from #Afghanistan have found a new home — and new handlers pic.twitter.com/yDNu46cIvo
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) September 13, 2021
H/T: people.com
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