When you purchase items from the iHeartDogs store, a portion of that profit is donated to Greater Good. Greater Good is an amazing organization that supports charities that help dogs in need. Thanks to loyal customers like you, lots of dogs get a second chance at life all thanks to these donations. Bobo and Falstaff are two of the many dogs that have benefited from Greater Good donations.
Falstaff and Bobo were both puppies when they were put in dangerous situations. Both of their lives were at risk, but luckily, Wings of Rescue was able to transport them to a safer location. Wings of Rescue is an incredible organization that flies large transports of at-risk dogs to safe shelters with empty kennel space.
Greater Good was able to fund a transport of 50 dogs all thanks to donations from the iHeartDogs community. That was the transport that Falstaff and Bobo were on. They took those 50 animals from high-risk shelters to locations where animals get adopted almost immediately.
Bobo the Beagle was only 3 months old when Wings of Rescue saved him. He was about to be thrown off a bridge and drowned in the Mississippi river near Helena, Arkansas. Luckily, he was rescued by the Humane Society of the Delta before that could happen. Unfortunately, that shelter was already full of adoptable dogs. So, Wings of Rescue transported Bobo to the Kootenai Humane Society in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. At the new shelter, he was adopted after only ten minutes!
Falstaff was also just a young puppy when he was left on the side of the road near Lafayette, Louisiana. He was rescued by Acadiana Animal Aid, who also had very little space for more dogs. Wings of Rescue transported Falstaff to The NOAH Center in Stanwood, Washington. Falstaff also got adopted quickly there, after only a few hours!
Greater Good’s donations funded the transport for these two innocent puppies. Both of them were in danger at only a few months old, but the Wings of Rescue transport helped bring them to a safer place where they could get adopted faster. Today, both puppies are happily living with families who love them all thanks to these kind donations.
Thanks to purchases from the iHeartDogs store, dogs like Bobo and Falstaff get a second chance at life with a perfect forever family. iHeartDogs sells a wide variety of products that both you and your furry friends can enjoy. Every purchase can change a dog’s life, so thank you to everyone who has bought products to make a difference for dogs in need.
Images from Wings of Rescue
The post These Neglected Puppies Got Adopted Immediately Because Of You! appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy