WARNING: Photos and videos depict blatant abuse, but the pup has been checked out and is fine.
A video of Amy Cooper freaking out in Central Park went viral during the coronavirus pandemic. Viewers were outraged by her racist actions and horrified by the way she treater her poor dog. The scene began with Christian Cooper nicely asking Amy to leash her dog. When she refused, he recorded her reaction, which consisted of her calling the cops on him and nearly strangling her Cocker Spaniel.
She received lots of backlash for her irrational behaviors, but one thing didn’t turn out as expected. About a week after the event, the dog was returned to Amy.
The Original Incident
In the original video, Amy threatened to call the cops on Christian, who was keeping a safe distance from her. Prior to the video, the dog was running free in Central Park, so Christian asked her to leash her dog. Christian had been birdwatching, and unleashed dogs often scare the wildlife. Plus, the area certainly wasn’t safe for a dog to be running without a leash.
Amy got extremely angry when she saw Christian recording her. She called the cops and emphasized the fact that an “African American man was threatening her life”. Of course, that was not true, and the video clearly proved that.

Since then, Amy has faced many repercussions for her actions. Not long after the video, she was fired from her job because the company stated that they do not tolerate racism of any kind. While the matter was being addressed, she also voluntarily surrendered her dog named Henry to Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue, which is where she adopted him from. People hoped that Henry would find a better home, but since then, he was returned to her.
“Abandoned Angels would like to express its gratitude for the outpouring of support regarding the dog that was recently placed in our custody, following release of a troubling video that was brought to our attention,” the rescue wrote on Facebook. “The dog was promptly evaluated by our veterinarian, who found that he was in good health. We have coordinated with the appropriate New York law enforcement agencies, which have declined to examine the dog or take [him] into custody. Accordingly, and consistent with input received from law enforcement, we have now complied with the owner’s request for return of the dog.”

Is the Dog Safe?
Many dog lovers were outraged at the news of Henry being returned to Amy. In fact, many were furious at the rescue. However, the vet thoroughly examined the dog and law enforcement wouldn’t take him into custody, so the rescue was likely left with no other choice. Even so, it’s heartbreaking to think that poor Henry is back with the woman who almost choked him.
In the video, she gripped onto his collar way too tightly, not paying any attention to his discomfort. On Henry’s Instagram page, which has been taken down since the incident, there were many other situations where he got hurt. Many of which likely could’ve been prevented if he was on a leash.

Amy stated that she is sorry for her actions, and Christian has even forgiven her since then. However, her apologies mean nothing unless she changes for the better. One thing that she needs to change is how she cares for her dog. She needs to make her dog’s health a priority by focusing on his comfort and by following simple rules like keeping him leashed in busy areas.
Justice for Henry
However, many dog lovers believe that no human should be allowed to have a dog after these circumstances. PETA has also stepped forward to say that they want to help bring the dog to safety.
“Anyone who is this rough with a dog and hangs an animal by the neck, as in the video, clearly shouldn’t have a companion animal,” said Lisa Lange, Senior Vice President of PETA. “Surely, a better home can be found than with Amy Cooper, and PETA stands ready to assist with that.”

For now, Henry is going back to his old home. In order for him to be safe, one of two things needs to happen: Amy needs to treat him with more love and respect or he needs to find a more suitable family. Hopefully, Henry will have a bright future either way since so many people are now looking out for him.
Rewatch the Original Video Here:
Oh, when Karens take a walk with their dogs off leash in the famous Bramble in NY’s Central Park, where it is clearly posted on signs that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, and someone like my brother (an avid birder) politely asks her to put her dog on the leash. pic.twitter.com/3YnzuATsDm
— Melody Cooper (@melodyMcooper) May 25, 2020
H/T: people.com
Featured Image: @AbandonedAngels/Facebook and Screenshot, @melodyMcooper/Twitter
The post UPDATE: Dog Returned To Woman Who Refused To Use Leash In Central Park appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy