See The Hilarious Memes This Texas Shelter Uses To Help Dogs Find Furever Homes

Often I get overwhelmed thinking about how many dogs, cats, and other animals currently live in shelters or temporary homes. With so many animals up for adoption, it can be challenging to make individuals stand out. As one shelter learned, sometimes, a little creative writing can help.

Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Texas really cracked it when it comes to featuring their adoptable animals online. The photos they share are often accompanied with funny memes. Take this dog named Johnny with particular tastes for example:


That face paired with a great punchline makes this photo clickable. The more clicks the image gets, the quicker this adorable yet mischievous boy gets adopted!

A thirsty boy named Bruno also got the meme treatment:


The shelter lovingly described his attitude toward adoption:

“Bruno has heard allllllllllllll about how hard the dating scene is for humans. His advice? Avoid the dating pool, and adopt a dog instead.”

Buns’ meme was quite the attention-grabber as well.

The photo description for this little chonk added:

“There are rumors circulating that there’s been a brown bear sighting north of Houston, but turns out it was Buns. No need to be alarmed.”

8-Year-Old Helen apparently loves to sit on furniture the moment someone gets up.


MCAS added:

“At 8 years old Helen still has many years of life and love to share — and well, quite frankly, you have a chair she’d like to share! Have you ever been talked out of your spot by a dog?! We have!”

Helen certainly stole my heart! In an age where social media reigns supreme, fun and effect tactics like this really do work.

Sometimes You Have To Get Creative

Summarizing the entire premise of these memes, the shelter also explained how difficult it is for dogs in shelters or foster homes to find their permanent families.

“Often times dogs in foster homes don’t seem to tug at heart strings of adopters the same as those still at the shelter. We can certainly understand how the ‘urgency’ isn’t there, but when you adopt a foster it allows that foster home to help the NEXT dog! So you’re still saving lives-in fact your helping multiple lives!”

The Montgomery County Animal Shelter really invests in their animals, and it shows. Every dog in every shelter is worth going the extra mile for!

Follow their Facebook page to see more of these silly pictures. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new forever friend!

Featured Image: @MCASTX/Facebook

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