Dream job alert: a company in England is offering a near $33,000 salary for someone to play with puppies all day.
Located in Manchester, England, the position is for a pet website called Yappy.com. It is an online shop that sells personalized items for dogs, cats and their parents. The new role is called chief puppy officer — and they want to make sure their employees’ four-legged friends are entertained while their parents work.
The 9 to 5 job involves taking care of and loving on the cute fur babies while their parents are busy working at their desks to create products for pets across the world.
The chief puppy officer will spend their days cuddling and playing with the pups — but there’s also a unique twist to the job. The person in the role will also help carry out market research on pet products while they’re there. Essentially, they get to test out new products on the office pups that are there to see how they like them.
The chief puppy officer will then provide written feedback on treats, toys, and accessories to help Yappy.com develop its product line.
The company is also looking for someone who is highly experienced in handling dogs and understands their needs. The person with the job will also be in charge of chaperoning each dog to their photoshoots on time — ensuring that they are well-groomed and looking fabulous for their close-up.
“If your dream is to cuddle, stroke and play with dogs all day AND get paid for it, then our ‘Chief Puppy Officer’ role may just be the dream job you’ve been looking for,” the company’s job posting states. “Here at yappy.com, delivering tail-wagging happiness to all dogs is the reason we get out of bed in the morning, and ensuring the ulti-mutt happiness of our dog family who work beside us each day is equally as impawtant!”
The company is looking for someone who is an “expert” tummy tickler and someone that is absolutely obsessed with dogs. Count us in!
“It’s a hard job but someone has to do it — from playing with our dogs and ensuring they’re entertained and stimulated, to tickling tummies, offering endless strokes and catering for their every need, it’s essential that the hired CPO is prepared to offer puppy love on tap from 9 ‘til 5,” the job posting continues.
What better way to spend the day than cuddling with pups — and getting paid for it? If you’re interested in the role, you can apply here.
H/T: Tyla
The post Company Will Pay You Thousands To Play With Puppies All Day appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy