She-Ra, the pup, certainly lives up to her name and the title it comes with. Like the cartoon heroine she’s named after, this 11-month-old puppy earned the title of “Princess of Power” after surviving a horrific ordeal. Thought to be hit by a car and then shot in the head with a .22 caliber bullet, She-Ra was left for dead.
Alone and in excruciating pain, she wandered until she found retired school teacher Steven Kanada. The kind Samaritan bundled her in blankets and hurried her to the Maui Humane Society, giving her a chance at life after someone almost took it away.

Bad Shape but In the Best of Care
MHS Veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Fitzpatrick was on call at She-Ra’s arrival, first treating the poor dog with pain meds to give her some much-needed relief. As the Maui Humane Society reported, She-Ra “had a hole in her temple, was bleeding from body injuries consistent with road rash, and had a large open wound on her jaw.”
Antibiotics and wound treatment followed, but it was the x-rays that left Dr. Fitzpatrick shocked.

She-Ra’s x-rays revealed bullet fragments lodged throughout her skull. From where the fragments were lodged and the location of bullet holes, it was determined the bullet entered her temple, then chipped a cheekbone before tearing through the roof of her mouth and finally lodging itself in her obliterated jawbone.
How It Happened
After the thorough medical investigation, Dr. Fitzpatrick said, “Through She-Ra’s wounds, we can build a hypothetical story about how she came to be in this condition. We suspect that she was hit by a car and received injuries to her leg.”

Dr. Fitzpatrick went on to explain, “We can only think that someone with the best intentions, however misguided, tried to ‘euthanize’ her by shooting her in the head. Unfortunately, this greatly added to her suffering and could have ended the life of a dog with a very treatable injury.”
Treating those injuries required the removal of broken teeth as well as surgery to put her jaw back together. While healing, She-Ra enjoyed her dinnertimes with smoothie-style food that would help fill her belly while making her stronger. And best of all, in spite of being shot in the head, She-Ra suffered no brain damage.

In fact, as the Maui Humane Society shared on their Instagram page, “Throughout her recovery, she’s displayed the most loving, silly and happy disposition that one could imagine.”

Princess of Power and Hearts
Now, six weeks after her ordeal, She-Ra is ready for a forever home thanks to the Maui Humane Society and the diligent care of her foster family.
“This bouncy puppy is now ready to find her forever home where she will continue to inspire others with her incredible story of hope and determination.”

Sadly though, cases like She-Ra’s aren’t unusual, but thankfully, the Maui Humane Society vows, “when an animal shows up in need, we are there for them.”

Of the mighty She-Ra, MHS said, “Her resiliency and determination to survive after being hit by a car and shot has definitely earned her the title ‘Princess of Power!’”
We agree!
H/T: www.mauinow.com
Feature Image: @mauihumanesociety/Instagram
The post Hit By A Car & Shot In The Head, She-Ra Is Truly The “Princess Of Power” appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy