Promise the young Pit Bull was paralyzed as a puppy after a car door slammed on her leg. Now she uses a wheelchair to get around, and it doesn’t hold her back one bit. She has so much love to give, and she always approaches life with the cutest puppy smile.
After spending the first year of her life in a shelter, she has finally been adopted by a sanctuary for special needs dogs like her. She’s even Instagram famous as “Promise the Wonder Dog,” and her photos will forever warm the hearts of dog lovers.

Promise the Positive Pup
Promise arrived at the Grand Strand Humane Society in Myrtle Beach when she was a young pup. She couldn’t use her back legs, but she didn’t mind. She found new ways to get around and enjoy life.

“While Promise is different she doesn’t think she’s different. She doesn’t see herself as a different kind of animal. She’s her own creature of course but she thinks she’s a normal dog. She runs, she plays, she waddles around on her back,” said volunteer Lindsey Rankin.
So, the shelter made her an Instagram page early on, where she gained over 500 followers. They shared many of her favorite experiences, such as running around in her wheelchair and playing in a kiddie pool. Yet, despite her cute face and charming personality, she was continuously overlooked. She just had to be patient and wait for the right family to come along.

A New Leash on Life
After about a year of loving care at the humane society, Promise is finally getting a glimpse of a better life. She and her Instagram page will be headed across the country to Washington! She’s getting adopted by a sanctuary called Angels with Misplaced Wings, where she’ll live with ten other special needs dogs.

“After over a year with her family @grandstrandhumanesociety that saved and provided her the opportunity to find her happy ending, not one application came. A year was long enough to wait and it was time for us to step up and give her the forever family and home she deserves,” wrote Promise’s new family. “Promise (@promisethewonderdog ), welcome to the Ohana.”
Promise’s journey to her new home was delayed when her new mom wasn’t feeling well. But soon, she’ll be on her way! In the meantime, she’ll continue to rest in the pool during the hot summer days.

Angels with Misplaced Wings will continue to update Promise’s Instagram page. You can follow her to stay up to date on her exciting new life!
H/T: wpde.com
Featured Image: @promisethewonderdog/Instagram
The post Paralyzed Pit Bull Lands Special Spot At Handicapped Sanctuary appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy