March 28, 202510:04:11 AM

19 Pit Bull Owners Share Best Shampoos for Itchy & Sensitive Skin

There’s nothing worse than watching your pit bull suffers from itchy skin allergies. We asked our community of over 800,000 pit bull owners the following question: What shampoo do you recommend for a pit bull with itchy or sensitive skin? We’ve summarized the best responses below. Always remember to check with your veterinarian before making changes that affect your pit bull’s health;

19 Best Hypoallergenic Shampoos for Pit Bull’s with Itchy/Sensitive Skin

I work in a vet clinic.. this is what my girl been using. It’s the best!

👍 Upvotes: 2

As a professional dog groomer and pitty owner. I suggest a good Tea Tree oil/aloe dog shampoo. (Espree makes a good one) And if itchy and yeasty, zymox. But generally skin issues are a result of internal allergies such as food.

👍 Upvotes: 44

I use this one for my baby, he’s allergic to almost everything. Pits are very high maintenance dogs people don’t realize it. Love my pittie and I wouldn’t change him for nothing, he’s my needy baby.

👍 Upvotes: 14

I’ve used an oatmeal bath to soak, baby shampoo, then applied coconut oil to any bad spots. My pit we found out was allergic to fleas. Just one bite, and he’d go into a fit. I’d look into what’s in your dog’s food too. I rescued one that was allergic to grain. He went on a raw diet, and it helped.

👍 Upvotes: 37

I use hempz it smells so good and leaves her coat soft!!

👍 Upvotes: 11

Full strength Rinse off of them really good My take a bath a week for several weeks until it starts really working good our dog doesn’t have any problems anymore

👍 Upvotes: 17

Shampoo only puts a Band-Aid on the problem. Fix the situation from the inside out, dog probably has allergies and food sensitivities that should be addressed otherwise the problem will never go away.

👍 Upvotes: 5

My pitty has sensitive skin and allergies. This is a bit costly, worth the price though.

👍 Upvotes: 6

This is what I use for my pit mix. He has very sensitive skin and a ton of allergies. This helps soothe his skin when he has flare ups. Wouldn’t use this as a cure, but it definitely helps soothe the itching.

👍 Upvotes: 3

Chlorhexadine dog shampoo. That stuff is magic. Works for everything. My pitbull had stinky itchy skin as a pup and this cleared the problem. This shampoo is what vets recommend and it has worked for any and all problems with skin rashes, hot spot, smell, itch, even insect bites. Check the reviews and you will see.

👍 Upvotes: 1

IT STARTS WITH DIET from the inside out. what’s going on or lacking on the inside, will show up on the outside!! improve the NUTRITION!

Likes: 1

Found my Pitty is allergic to chicken and certain types of grain. Changed her food and she takes an organic probiotic for sensitive stomach once with her morning meal. Works wonders. Finding the cause is the key.

Likes: 3

I use Scentsy Best Bud Suds. My pit is allergic to grass and takes appoquel. This is a hypo allergenic shampoo that also moistureizes.

👍 Upvotes: 0

Chevy has had skin issues for years and this was prescribed at one point and it is all we have used for 8 plus years.

👍 Upvotes: 1

Trizchlor (recommended by dermatologist and available on Amazon) …. or for dry skin Tropiclean Oxymed oatmeal ‘rinse’ ….. I have been dealing with this for over 9 years and those are the only two things that work for my dog. He wears a shirt in the winter when I turn my heat on. He is blue pitbull and Shar Pei mix. His fur is like brillo and he gets secondary skin infections.

👍 Upvotes: 0

Try. CuteBenz. Benzoyl Peroxide 3% Medicated Shampoo. It worked really great on my princess

👍 Upvotes: 0

Baby shampoo. Its the only shampoo i’ve found in 3 years that hasn’t left her skin dry and itchy. Used everything from oatmeal to prescription shampoos but i found that the yellow bottle of johnson & johnson baby shampoo off the shelf at walmart does the trick.

👍 Upvotes: 0

Try a slurry of baking soda and water – you can actually make it quite watery. Shake container often between applications to keep it in solution. Should clean the skin and fur and neutralize the itchiness. Works on human hair/scalps just great, too. It’s what I’ve been using on myself for about three years now. Cheap. Easy. Effective. Makes my hair really clean and soft and surprising, I can go many days before repeating.

👍 Upvotes: 0

My pit had sensitive skin and I used “Fresh ‘n Clean” Oatmeal shampoo. It smells great and helped her skin.

👍 Upvotes: 0


Important note: The above suggestions were sourced from our pit bull owner community. Always do your own research and check with your veterinarian before making changes that affect your pit bull’s health. iHeartDogs is reader supported, so where applicable links above may be affiliate links to retailers at no additional cost to you. 

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