March 28, 2025

29 Chihuahua Memorial Ideas

If you or someone you know recently lost their Chihuahua, our hearts go out to you! We believe our fur-babies may be gone, but they will always be with us in our hearts. ❤️🌈😥

We asked the members of our I Love My Chihuahua community on Facebook the following question: For those of you who have lost a pup, would you mind sharing what you’ve done? We received hundreds of amazing responses along with photos. We’ve highlighted some of the most unique Chihuahua memorial ideas below. 

29 Heartfelt Memorial Ideas for Your Chihuahua, from our Chihuahua Community

My wife made this for me after my wee chi passed.

Author: Sheila Roden R.

A custom painted “pet” rock. This is a portrait of my two boys, this isn’t in memorial but I do many rocks for folks who have had a pet pass but I didn’t want to post their pics without their permission

Author: Alicia S.

Had this incredible memorial pendant made for my Tikka. I also composed a song just for her. I felt like when she died the music just came to me.

Author: Renee T.

It’s nothing special I guess, but I made a little area for her. I love the crystal light my hubby got me. Thought it was a cool idea and the picture frame is a gift from a friend. Which I love!

Author: Megan J.

I had my 2 babies pass a month apart. Had the best photo I took of them turned into a water color on canvas. It is hung on the wall in their room where my other 2 chihuahuas are. Miss my babies so much. My oldest female passed in my arms and my little man passed within 15 min after me loving on him and him giving me kisses.

Author: Lynn G.

So sorry for your loss I lost my baby in May praying for you to get through this difficult time P.S I had this made on Etsy I sent her a picture of my vera and she added the wings and crown

Author: Taìna Marya A.

Hello .. sorry for your loss. I lost my Oddie Lee Dec 25 2019…. one of the saddest day of my life. She was my baby for 13 yrs. In our house I have this in someway is like having her close to me.

Author: Pa Ri J.

Aww sorry for your loss This is my little Gizmo. Someone I found through Facebook used to paint these stones and I absolutely love it xx

Author: Kerry M.

I had my chihuahua Miley grace cremated

Author: Lacey M. B.

We had 2 of these made from a man named Rod on ETSY. He does a wonderful job.

Author: Gretchen K.

As well as having her ashes in a doggy cookie jar along with her favorite toy I got her tattooed on my leg

Author: Jocelynn S.

This is my memorial for my Phoebe, with her ashes in the heart urn.

Author: Jeanette N.

Bella passed away 15 months ago her ashes are in the Urn and a picture in a special frame that I purchased. They are on a shelf in my computer room.

Author: Christine N.

My bootiful Ruby

Author: Marcelle S.

I mixed my beloved ashes with clay and made a body of a dragonfly. Then I made this. It’s called Dyngeaux’ Darling Dragonfly.

Author: Nikia A.

I lost my Bella May 2019 to Renal Failure at the age of 14 yrs old my was shattered she was a Blue Healer….in ever pendant u see there is some of her ashes as well her Urn is Stained Glass n when the sun hits it, it sparkles everywhere n got her actual paw tattooed on my inner arm….she was my baby for 14 yrs n i miss her so much every day…this is my memorial for Bella n have so much more

Author: Danielle MAc D.

I had Maya cremated. She died in my arms at home on July 20th of this year. I miss her so much. She was my world and my everything.

Author: Yolande G.

The statue was actually a piggy bank but now it holds her ashes

Author: Sav J.

My Pico is with my Grandma and Great Grandparents are.My mom will be there and so will I .What better place for him.

Author: Laya Nadine R.

Not a great pic but this heart is made of glass and the white swirls are my baby girls ashes! Love it so much! Miss her everyday!

Author: Narelle L.

I lost my pups one year and a day apart. Sisters from the same litter with me from 8 weeks until 13 and 14. Miss my sweet Scapee and Dali every day.

Author: Kate McGrory F.

Paco Man passed on Valentines Night about 11:30 , 02-14-20We don’t celebrate Valentines with our usual Steak & Lobster dinner anymore on that night.It was a heart breaking evening but he’ll always be in our heart and on the headboard of the bed over where I sleep with his favorite Teddy Bear on the box he now rest in Momma & Daddy love and miss you sweet Angel. Till we see ya again

Author: Pam Blalack C.

Collar around a plant pot – a sweet reminder

Author: Molly B.

Made for my sister-in-law. Haven’t gotten it to her yet and they lost their other dog in the meantime, so I’ll add his picture as well.

Author: Kate McDonough M.

First baby she was 13

Author: Joel Y.

I bought a mirrored trinket box for my much missed Sid for his ashes

Author: Lesley ‘Lel’ L.

This is what I did for my furbaby Abby she passed in June. Her ashes are behind her picture.

Author: Kelly A.

My Princess passed away in my arms nearly 17 3rd September made her a loving resting place , were she was wrapped in her blanket put in a box with her things ,and got a frame of her with her paw prints and several photos in the house we also have a single dove that’s turned up on the day she was buried and comes daily now x

Author: Sue P.

We had memorial stones for each of our dogs and put them out in the yard where they used to play.

Author: Roseann T.

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