March 28, 202508:46:12 AM

20 Food Recommendations for Pit Bulls with Sensitive Stomachs

There are few things worse than dealing with diarrhea in your pit bull!

20 Best Foods for a Pit Bull with a Sensitive Tummy

I feed Pro-Plan salmon/rice for sensitive stomach and skin, chicken/poultry makes mine break out in rashes, itchy,,,the Pro-Plan works great, no problems👍 Upvotes: 12

We are on hills science sensitive skin & stomach, still not 100% solid stool. Be careful with grain free foods, another friend’s pittie is dealing with heart issues linked to grain free food

👍 Upvotes: 21

My boy has been doing really well on Purina Pro Plan sensitive stomach lamb and rice. He was one that would go a day without eating or when he did he usually would vomit or be super gassy and eat grass all the time. He’s been on it for a year and doesn’t miss meals and no more vomiting.

👍 Upvotes: 5

We make ours Salmon and rice. She’s allergic to poultry and most dog food on the market has some sort of poultry in it.

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My family’s dogs have almost always been on Nature’s Domain dog food. Both my dogs are on different bags though since the chihuahua( For what ever reason any brand that is flavored lamb and rice or chicken and rice it upsets his tummy) is on Salmon and Sweet potatoes Nature’s domain well our lab/pit mix is on lamb and rice Nature’s domain bag.

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Nothing but homemade sweet potato broccoli chicken pork beef 165 pounds of pitbull He’s 10 years old

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Started my 13 y/o Bella on this 3 months ago – Salmon. Within a week all her allergies, licking, scratching and tummy issues were done. It’s been heaven since

👍 Upvotes: 23

I do home made. One of my boys has very sensitive skin and tummy. My other boy had a gdv( twisted gut) and had major surgery. They also removed his spleen. So I just make their food. I use beef broth, turkey, pork or lean hamburger meat with brown rice, mixed veggies, sweet potatoes and blueberries. They are both doing so much better. And right now the homemade food is just as cheap as the bag food

👍 Upvotes: 27

I used to pressure cook a whole chicken (bones and all! Once pressure cooked the bones were so soft she could eat them and so good for them) and add kale. Add pumpkin if they are constipated, depending on the issue for the sensitivity, organic oatmeal and rice are a good filler. At this time I was also giving suppliments. Find a holistic/naturopathic vet and ask what they might need if you’re going to cook their food.

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This is what I give my pit. Recently switched from Redford and it is totally worth the price. He went from completely runny diarrhea to normal solid poops. Highly recommend!! Good luck with your pup!!

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My girl could only eat Simply Nourish Salmon and Rice from from Pet Smart. She has a terrible corn allergy and chicken sensitivity so I had to read labels very carefully. She was a delicate flower and I miss her every day.

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I use Blue Buffalo Life Protection Lamb with their canned Lamb as a wet mixer. My pit bull took Flagyl for years for gastritis before I finally took her off of ALL meats but lamb by trial and error. Look for no meal or animal by products, mainly chicken. With my big girl, meat was the issue i.e. beef, chicken, pork. Good luck

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I have my pit bulls and Chihuahuas on this food and one of my Chihuahuas has pancreatitis and gastronatis so he has to have limited ingredients and he has seizures and so far he’s done great and he has not had any seizures since we’ve taken him off of chicken….. they are all so shiny too it’s done wonders on their coats

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I have a pit bull my vet told me to give her this food. And i telling you ever since i change her food i havent had a problem. Try it i give my dog chicken or they got different flavor

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When I got my lad he had a very upset tummy for a long time untill we finally tried him on a mostly raw diet. Truth is that it’s not right for every dog so try a certain diet for around a week before you change to something else. They need a while to adjust. Sometimes changing the food to quickly can result in upset tummies on its own good luck

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Plus cooked deer meat and free range eggs

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Rachel Ray’s limited ingredient just 6! No more gas, no more puking for my baby!

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My pits tummy is sensitive from any and everything and is allergic to chicken and beef. This is the only food that helps him and he likes it!

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