March 28, 202505:38:25 AM

Update: Blind Dog Abandoned On A Park Bench Leaves Behind A Legacy That Gives Other Unwanted Pups Love

Scroll to end for update.

Have you heard the story of Poly? She is a three-year-old, completely blind pit bull someone left scared and alone on a park bench. It was clear she had just had puppies, though none were found. The Santa Barbara County Animal Services took her off the streets but knew she needed more specialized care so they contacted Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc., a Los Angeles-based pet rescue, and asked them to take her in.

Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.

What they knew about her from the beginning was that she had not been treated well. Aside from being blind, Poly has numerous issues including a grade 4 out of 6 heart murmur, swollen mammary glands, enlarged lymph nodes (possibly cancer), and patchy fur.

Foreverhome picked her up from the shelter on October 19, 2015. Poly’s Freedom ride:

Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.

Since then, Poly has been getting to enjoy life and learn what it feels like to be loved, for example, her first cheeseburger:

Or have someone care enough about her to cover her patchy skin (in this case, with a cute ducky costume!) And a tu-tu, just for fun.

Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.

She has amazing manners – barks when she needs to go outside to potty – and seems to like dogs and people.

They are, of course, getting her medical needs attended to. They are working on getting her skin cleared up and she does not have cancer!

She has appointments with the cardiologists and ophthalmologist this week for her heart murmur and her eyes. You can keep updated on her progress by following her Facebook page, Poly the Blind Pibble.

Poly’s Fund

Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.

The rescue had received many donations from kind-hearted people to help with Poly’s medical expenses, which add up fast. In fact, Foreverhome Rescue explained to that “Often a shelter dog that requires these types of diagnostics (and/or surgeries) will scare away a small rescue organization because the vet bills can be enormous. We were very fortunate that Poly’s story got out into the world and that folks have been donating to cover the diagnostics.”

And now Poly, and the rescue, are paying it forward.

Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.
Image source: Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Inc.

“Because Poly has gotten a lot of media attention, we decided to launch ‘Poly’s Fund’ – it is our intention to continue to collect donations in Poly’s name (for potential surgery she may need) and any funds in excess of her needs will be distributed to other small rescue organizations that have dogs that need expensive diagnostics. Poly wants to share her ‘phamus’ with other doggies.”

If you would like to donate to Poly’s care, and the medical needs of other rescue doggies that need expensive medical tests, please go here.

It’s their hope to find her a loving, forever home once she is healthy.

Update: Foreverhome Pet Rescue gave their all to Poly, but despite all their care, they announced in April 2016 that Poly had sadly passed away.

Her story has a silver lining – Poly’s Fund continues to help dogs to this day! You can help support animal rescue in Poly’s memory and follow along as Foreverhome gives love to those without hope at Poly’s Facebook Page.


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