March 16, 202510:17:53 PM

Happy Bernedoodle Hugs Her Boy Every Time He Hops Off School Bus

Maggie is a Bernedoodle who loves her family, especially her human brothers. One of her brothers is old enough to attend school, and though she knows he has to go, this sweet girl misses him so much. But when she hears the school bus coming down the road in the afternoon, she knows Brother is almost home.

And because she’s so happy he’s back after a long day of learning, Maggie heads out into the yard to hug him when he gets off the bus! It’s a daily routine this dog and her boy have created, and lucky for us, and about ten million other dog lovers, Maggie’s mom loves to capture her kids’ cuteness on camera.


Here Comes The Bus

Scrolling through Maggie Moo’s Tiktok page, you’ll find several clips of the cute pair hugging it out after school. And whether it’s warm, green days or chilly, snowy ones, the routine is the same. Maggie stands patiently waiting for her brother to hop off the school bus. And when he’s made it to the yard, Maggie is all tail wags as she stands up and hugs her brother tight!

It’s so good to see him after a long day of school!


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Maggie waiting for the bus has become an unfailing daily occurrence, and her family shared the tale of their darling Bernedoodle and her brother in a Cuddle Buddies feature video. Maggie’s mom explained the “ritual” began on its own because Maggie would walk her brother out to meet the bus and then come outside again when he arrived home.

“She can hear the school bus rumbling down the street,” said Maggie’s mom. “She will run to the door and be ready to go outside and wait for him.”


“And then she typically likes to greet with a hug.”

Happy Family Full of Love

It’s no surprise Maggie likes to greet her brother with hugs because she’s been tight with her family since she came home at eight weeks old.

Her mom said, “When we met her, we had a special connection.”

But as much as she loves her whole family, her brother is her best friend. On Instagram, Maggie’s mom wrote the pair has “twin hearts.”


Thanks to Maggie, “the boys learned to love animals and the responsibility of caring for someone else.”

“She’s shown them unconditional love and faithfulness I know they will carry in their hearts forever.”


And all that love shows in Maggie’s happy demeanor! For more afterschool Maggie hugs, follow this “professional hugger” @maggiemoo.thebernedoo on Instagram or TikTok.

RELATED: How To Train Your Dog To Give a Hug

Feature Image: @maggiemoo.thebernedoo/Instagram

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