Nori was rejected by her owner’s Chihuahua, who wasn’t a fan of her boisterous energy. The quirky Italian Greyhound doesn’t stop moving from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed. She’s like a four-legged lightning bolt! When she runs, her legs hardly touch the ground!

Victoria happily stepped up as Nori’s new mom. Victoria knew instantly that Nori was meant to be hers. Victoria says the pup is a happy, quirky weirdo she’s obsessed with! Nori doesn’t even look like a canine. People stop Victoria on the street while walking Nori, totally confused. Some say she resembles a baby deer or a tiny kangaroo.

Victoria’s roommate also has a dog named Lee. When Nori and Lee play together, it’s hilarious! Nori runs around him so fast that her body is just a blur. Nori also has a unique way of drinking water that has to be one of the funniest things we’ve seen.

Nori’s mom works from home, and the active pup makes business calls and online meetings a challenge. But Victoria wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, the dog mom says, “I haven’t had more than 20 minutes of a bad day since I’ve gotten her.”
You’ve got to see this little dog in action for yourself. She’s a total riot!
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The post Weird Dog Rejected By Chihuahua Made Mom Cry When She Gave Her Up appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy