March 18, 202501:09:37 AM

Despite Being Sick And Starving, Street Dog Shares His Only Slice Of Bread

Despite being abandoned, starving, and sick, the tiny puppy still greeted rescuers with his tail wagging, wanting to share his only scrap of food. It was almost as if he knew the importance of the timing of his rescue and that he was saying “thank you” to his saviors. 

Because had they not arrived exactly when they did, the poor pup probably wouldn’t have lived much longer.


The teeny puppy was so small that his single slice of bread was practically half his size. It was almost as big as he was! So it was incredibly adorable to see him try to share while also being hugely heartbreaking. 

Gunnar had been left all alone, burned by humans before, yet he still wanted to share with strangers. Plus, picturing this sweet, small boy left all alone in the cold, forced to fend for himself, really makes you want to cry. 

But luckily, this sweet boy was saved by the Sidewalk Specials, and he would never have to long for love again. 

When he was examined by a vet, they discovered that Gunnar was only seven-weeks-old. He was severely anemic, suffering from tick bite fever, and had one of the worst worm and tick infestations they had ever seen. 

“We were there just in the nick of time for him,” one of his rescuers said.

If  he continued to live outside, all alone, without any food for much longer, who knows how long he would have survived?


Gunnar spent a night at the vet and then got the “all clear” to head to a foster home. But he was only with his foster family for a week before finding a family of his very own. The pint-sized pup fell right in with his new pack without needing much of an adjustment period at all.

Having never seen a lawn, Gunnar was extremely curious. He found that he loved to run and chase his ball all day. He also developed an obsession with rocks, but not just any rocks. They have to be what he deems the “perfect rock.” Whether in his backyard or at the beach, Gunnar searches for the perfect rock, then proudly presents it to his family. 

“He’s definitely our little rockstar,” says Freya, Gunnar’s mom.

His family even started fostering, so he can enjoy some puppy playtime, and Gunnar has proven to be a wonderful foster bro!

Check out Gunnar’s beautiful rescue story below.

Featured Image: YouTube

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