Air Force Captain Reunited With Her Dog After Deployment And His Wiggle Butt Is Endless!

When duty calls, our soldiers respond. Sometimes that means sacrificing time and distance with family members, both two-legged and four-legged. Captain Cassandra Post is a member of the U.S. Air Force. Like many military members, Captain Post had to make the gut-wrenching decision to leave her fur baby behind when she received deployment orders. 

A Kind Heart And A Temporary Home For Winston

Thanks to Dogs on Deployment, Captain Post was able to serve her country knowing that her baby, Winston, was in good hands. Winston went to live with retired Air Force veteran Dave Sarver. Sarver has been helping out fellow soldiers by opening his own home to their dogs for the last ten years. As a veteran himself, he can relate to the heartache of leaving a beloved family member behind.

“It kind of felt like I literally left a part of my heart behind,” Post told KOB 4 News.


“Dave, he was great,” Captain Post told KOB 4 News. “He would send me updates just about every week on Facebook messenger, and he would send me videos and pictures. He even made an album for him on Facebook.”

Sarver says he just wants to do whatever he can to help. Plus, the company of the dogs just can’t be beat!

“You know, I can’t give back much. I’m retired, I’m living on social security, but I can do this. That makes my day. And the fact that I’ve got company with these nuts running around here, well that makes my day too,” Sarver said.

An Emotional Reunion

Captain Post pulled into the driveway where Winston was waiting. Sarver had setup Winston with a bowl of food in the garage so that he would be ready for the big reveal when his mom pulled in. As the garage lifted, Winston went out into the driveway to investigate.

Photo Via KOB 4 News

He was hesitant at first but after a few good sniffs, he realized who was standing before him. Sweet Winston could hardly contain his excitement! He jumped up and down all over his mom who showered him in hugs and kisses. The kindness of Sarver and the excitement in Winston made the last six months all worth it.

Photo Via KOB 4 News

Dogs On Deployment Is Giving Soldiers Something To Look Forward To

Sarver and Captain Post both wish more people knew about the great things Dogs on Deployment does. 

The non-profit was started in 2009 by Shawn and Alisa Johnson. Shawn was a helicopter pilot in the Navy and Alisa was a KC-130J transport pilot in the Marines. They both were deployed at the same time but were lucky enough to have family who could care for their beloved boy, JD. They realized there was a need for temporary housing for military service members’ pets because others aren’t as fortunate. Dogs on Deployment was born and has been a saving grace for soldiers around the nation. 

So far, the non-profit has helped 1,843 pets find temporary homes while their mom or dad is deployed. There are homes ready to board dogs all across the United States! A dog’s family is still responsible for them financially while they are living with a volunteer family but the temporary family agrees to treat each pup just as if they were their own. What a great peace of mind for doggos and military members!

Watch the moment Winston sees Captain Post again:

h/t: KOB 4 News
Featured Photo: Screenshot via KOB 4 News

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