Family Dog Bonds With New Momma Cat And Offers To Babysit Her Six Demanding Kittens

On Easter Sunday, an adorable tabby named Freckles gave birth to six healthy baby kittens in her foster home. The six little ones have since been referred to as “The Eggs” in an homage to their Easter birthday.

And while Freckles has been a fabulously caring mother to her little eggs since day one, she is very happy, on occasion, to pass off her mom duties to the family dog, Kona.


Kona, who belongs to kitty foster mom Asa, has seen many litters come through her home and has been very sweet and gentle with each one. However, she has not always been allowed to interact with the newborns because the anxious mothers are not keen on having dogs nearby. That is until Kona met Freckles. 

Kona and Freckles have had a unique relationship from the very beginning. And while Freckles will not always allow Kona to be near the kittens, swatting and hissing her away, she will make occasional exceptions.

In fact, Kona will often be welcomed into the “kitty cave” to cuddle and bathe the little ones, giving Freckles a much-needed break. Asa has multiple dogs in her home, but Kona is the only one Freckles has ever allowed near her babies. 


“All my furballs are terrified of going anywhere near the babies because Freckles will come hissing and swatting. Lucky for Kona, Freckles trusted her enough to let her into the baby pen,” said Asa, “Freckles, being the good mom that she is, has been so protective of her kittens.”

Asa has shared many adorable photos and videos of the little family on her Instagram page, and followers have fallen absolutely in love with their incredible bond. 

“My heart has completely melted,” said one user. Another added, “That’s so beautiful! Thank you so much for all the precious updates!!”

The kittens are approaching eight weeks of age and will soon be available for adoption. And while Kona will no doubt be saddened to lose her babies, Freckles (who is also available for adoption) will no doubt be relieved to relinquish her mom duties.

Until that day arrives: way to co-parent, Freckles and Kona!


 In the meantime, those interested in supporting the little ones can donate supplies via Asa’s Amazon wishlist. As one can imagine, six little ones are a handful to care for, and their foster mom will undoubtedly appreciate any support we can give.

Featured Image: Instagram 

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