Once upon a time, in a shelter not so far away…
That’s how many shelter stories start for dogs waiting for their forever home – this one is no different. This pretty princess is Jada. She’s a nine year old pit bull at Good Karma Dog Rescue in River Vale, New Jersey.
Like most princesses in fairy tales, Jada has had her share of hardship, but she remains the same sweet, kindhearted girl she has always been. For the first seven years of her life she lived with a family, and though seven years may have given her the idea that the home was stable, she was surrendered over a pair of shoes.
After a short stay in a shelter, Jada found a new home, but just two years later she was homeless once again.
Now, Jada finds herself in the hands of Good Karma Dog Rescue. Her current keepers have vowed not to let her spend another night caged behind a kennel door. All they need now is her knight in shining armor to make themselves known.
Learn more about Jada’s story here:
Jada Needs a Hero from Siobhan Commerford on Vimeo.
Unlike fairytales, Jada’s story is real, and she needs a real hero – white horse not required. What IS required is a home where she can be the only pet, with people willing to be loved to bits by this princess. If that sounds like you, contact Good Karma Dog Rescue and let them know that you’re ready to give this sweet dog’s story a happy ending.
via Whisker Therapy