March 18, 202509:03:32 AM

Roadside Attraction: Steward of the Soil

The 20 x 20 foot mural, installed; its support structure was designed to keep it steady in bad weather. Photographs courtesy of Colleen Gnos
The work in progress; Gnos intended the mural to make an impression from 40 feet away at 70 mph. Photographs courtesy of Colleen Gnos

Rising from a nondescript field along eastbound Interstate 80, halfway between the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento, is a freestanding 20-by-20-foot mural of a farmer kneeling next to a dog. The shaped painting on wood is by artist Colleen Gnos, a SoCal resident who grew up in nearby Dixon, a small farming community.

The monumental work, titled Stewards of the Soil, is Gnos’s salute to local farmers, known for their crops of sunflowers, watermelon and alfalfa; herds of cattle and sheep; and orchards of walnuts and almonds. The roadside work of art is a welcome sight to commuters, a pleasing visual break from the many casino billboards and shopping malls that dot the landscape.


via Whisker Therapy

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