Congratulations, it’s a girl!
When welcoming a new puppy or adult dog into your home there are many things to consider. One of the first – and most fun – is deciding on the perfect name.
There are countless female dog names out there which can make it difficult to choose the right one. Luckily, we have 500 suggestions for you!
Before you dive into our list of female dog names, it may help to observe your pup’s personality and appearance. Consider matching your dog’s name to her looks by choosing a monicker like Blondie, Foxy, Ginger, Goldie or Sandy.
Coco, Hershey, Mocha, Brownie, Cinnamon, Honey and Oreo are also names that describe a dog’s appearance – with an added pinch of sweetness! If you like the idea of a sugary name to match your girl’s sweet personality, you could also choose Candy, Cookie, Muffin, Snickers or Twinkie.
For something on the healthier side, how about Cherry, Mango, Kiwi or Peaches?
Is your new pup a bit of a diva? Female dog names like Buffy, Chanel, Duchess, Fancy, Fifi, Princess, and Precious are excellent choices to convey her high class status.
When searching for an ultra-feminine female dog name, consider taking inspiration from your favorite flower. Blossom, Daisy, Lily, Poppy, Rose and Violet are cute, classic and very girly.
If you still can’t decide, perhaps you’ll find inspiration in your chosen hobbies. Those who love to travel might want to name their female dog after their favorite destination. Brooklyn, Dakota, Charlotte, Cheyenne, Georgia, Kona, Virginia, London and Paris are all lovely choices.
Can’t pick a favorite? How about Journey to express your love of the open road?
You love your dog like she’s your child, so why not choose a top trending baby name? If Aubrey, Harper, Harlow, MacKenzie, Madison, Paisley and Sophia are good enough for the humans, they may also work for your new pup.
Fins all these names and hundreds more below!
500 Top Female Dog Names:
Abby | Ada |
Addie | Adelaide |
Adeline | Adelyn |
Adriana | Agatha |
Agnes | Alexia |
Alexis | Alice |
Allie | Alyssa |
Amari | Amber |
Amelia | Amelie |
Amina | Angel |
Angelica | Angie |
Annabell | Annie |
Anya | Ariel |
Ashley | Asia |
Aspen | Athena |
Aubrey | Autumn |
Ava | Avery |
Baby | Bailey |
Bambi | Basil |
Bea | Bean |
Bella | Bertha |
Bessie | Betsy |
Betty | Bianca |
Billie | Bindi |
Birdie | Biscuit |
Blair | Blakely |
Blanche | Blondie |
Blossom | Bonnie |
Brandy | Brielle |
Brooklyn | Brownie |
Brynn | Buffy |
Cadence | Callie |
Cameron | Camilia |
Camille | Candy |
Carla | Carly |
Carmela | Carmen |
Carolina | Carolyn |
Casey | Cassie |
Cecelia | Chance |
Chanel | Charlie |
Charlotte | Cher |
Cherry | Cheyenne |
Chica | Chloe |
Cinnamon | Clara |
Clarissa | Clementine |
Cleo | Clover |
Coco | Cookie |
Cora | Coraline |
Courtney | Cricket |
Crystal | Daisy |
Dakota | Dallas |
Dana | Daphne |
Darla | Darlene |
Delia | Delilah |
Demi | Destiny |
Diamond | Diva |
Dixie | Dolly |
Dolores | Dora |
Dorothy | Dory |
Dot | Dottie |
Duchess | Eden |
Edie | Edith |
Effie | Electra |
Elena | Eliza |
Ella | Ellie |
Eloise | Elsa |
Elsie | Ember |
Emery | Emma |
Emmy | Enid |
Erin | Esmerelda |
Estelle | Esther |
Etta | Eudora |
Eva | Evelyn |
Evie | Faith |
Fancy | Fannie |
Fantasia | Faye |
Felecity | Fern |
Fifi | Fiona |
Flo | Foxy |
Frances | Frida |
Gabby | Gemma |
Genesis | Geneva |
Georgia | Geraldine |
Gia | Gidget |
Gigi | Ginger |
Giselle | Gloria |
Goldie | Grace |
Greta | Gretchen |
Gwen | Gypsy |
Hadley | Haley |
Halle | Hallie |
Hannah | Harley |
Harlow | Harper |
Harriet | Hattie |
Haven | Hazel |
Heidi | Henley |
Hershey | Holly |
Honey | Hope |
Ibby | Ida |
Imani | Indigo |
Inez | Ingrid |
Irene | Iris |
Isabella | Isla |
Ivory | Ivy |
Izzy | Jackie |
Jada | Jade |
Jamie | Jane |
Janelle | Jasmine |
Jenna | Jersey |
Jessie | Jewel |
Joan | Jolene |
Jordan | Josie |
Journey | Joy |
Juliet | June |
Juno | Justice |
Kali | Kallie |
Kamila | Karina |
Karla | Karma |
Kate | Kay |
Kayla | Kelly |
Kelsey | Kendall |
Kennedy | Kenya |
Kiara | Kiki |
Kimmie | Kinley |
Kinsley | Kira |
Kiwi | Koko |
Kona | Lacy |
Lady | Laika |
Laney | Lassie |
Layla | Leia |
Lena | Leona |
Leslie | Lexy |
Liana | Libby |
Liberty | Lila |
Lily | Liv |
Lizzy | Lois |
Lola | London |
Lorelai | Loretta |
Lorraine | Louise |
Lovely | Lucia |
Lucille | Lucinda |
Lucky | Lucy |
Lula | Lulu |
Luna | Lydia |
Lyla | Lyric |
Mabel | Mackenzie |
Macy | Maddie |
Madeline | Madison |
Mae | Maeve |
Maggie | Maisie |
Makayla | Malia |
Mallory | Mandy |
Mango | Maple |
Mara | Margaret |
Margot | Marianna |
Marilyn | Mary |
Matilda | Maude |
Maya | Mazie |
Mckenna | Megan |
Melina | Melody |
Mia | Mika |
Mila | Miley |
Millie | Mimi |
Minnie | Miranda |
Miriam | Missy |
Mitzi | Mocha |
Molly | Morgan |
Moxie | Muffin |
Mya | Myra |
Nadia | Nala |
Nanette | Naomi |
Nell | Nellie |
Nettie | Nia |
Nikita | Nikki |
Nina | Noel |
Nola | Nora |
Nori | Norma |
Nova | Odessa |
Olive | Olivia |
Opal | Oreo |
Paige | Paisley |
Pandora | Paris |
Parker | Patsy |
Payton | Peach |
Peaches | Peanut |
Pearl | Pebbles |
Peggy | Penelope |
Penny | Pepper |
Perdia | Phoenix |
Phoebe | Piper |
Pippa | Pippy |
Pixie | Polly |
Poppy | Portia |
Precious | Princess |
Priscilla | Pumpkin |
Queen | Quinn |
Raven | Reese |
Regina | Remy |
Riley | Rio |
Rita | River |
Rosalie | Rose |
Rosemary | Rosie |
Rowan | Roxy |
Ruby | Ruth |
Ruthie | Rylie |
Sadie | Sage |
Sally | Sam |
Sammie | Sandy |
Sasha | Sassy |
Savannah | Sawyer |
Scarlet | Scout |
Selena | Selma |
Serena | Serenity |
Shadow | Sheba |
Shelby | Shiloh |
Shirley | Sienna |
Sierra | Silvia |
Sissy | Siti |
Skye | Skylar |
Smokey | Snickers |
Snookie | Snowball |
Sookie | Sophia |
Star | Starla |
Stella | Storm |
Sue | Sugar |
Suki | Summer |
Sunny | Susannah |
Susie | Sweetie |
Sydney | Sylvia |
Tabitha | Talia |
Taylor | Tessa |
Thea | Theo |
Tiana | Tilly |
Tootsie | Trixie |
Trudy | Twinkie |
Ursula | Valentine |
Valeria | Velma |
Venus | Vera |
Victoria | Viola |
Violet | Virginia |
Vivi | Vivienne |
Vixen | Whitney |
Wiggles | Willa |
Willow | Winifred |
Winnie | Winter |
Wren | Xena |
Yasmin | Yvonne |
Zara | Zelda |
Zia | Zoe |
Zola | Zuri |
H/T to Puppy Leaks
via Whisker Therapy