Congratulations on your new furry friend! Now that you’ve welcomed a boy puppy or rescue dog into your life, what will you name him? With countless male dog names to choose from, how will you pick the perfect one?
Below you’ll find 500 of the most popular names for male dogs. They are listed alphabetically, but fall into categories such as trendy, regal, old school, outdoorsy and pop culture.
If you don’t know where to start in choosing a name for your pup, it may help to observe his personality. Does he fearlessly scamper about at top speed? How about a name like Flash or Jet? Male dog names such as Rebel, Sparky and Rascal are great options for mischievous pups that live to cause shenanigans. And then there are the angelic pups that love to snuggle and kiss your face. These dogs deserve names like Fabio or Romeo to signify their loving nature.
Speaking of nature, how about an outdoorsy name like Yukon, Trapper, Ranger, Scout, Jag or Hunter for your new boy pup?
Many people choose to give their male dogs royal names to show just how important pets are in our lives. Dogs named King, Rex, Prince, Duke and Baron are seen as strong, regal and adored by their humans.
Another popular option for choosing male dog names is to use your pup’s appearance for inspiration. Tank, Spot, Ghost, Smokey, Oreo, Rusty and Bear all convey a dog’s unique physical characteristics.
To me, there’s nothing cuter than a classically old school moniker for a pup. Just picture a male dog named Eugene, Walter, Albert or Herman. Adorable, right? These names are especially effective for Bulldogs and Pugs who already tend to look like little old men!
Perhaps you have a favorite movie or television pooch? Shiloh, Benji, Toto, Snoopy, Pongo, Clifford, Otis, and Marley are excellent male dog names that pay homage to some of our most beloved canine characters.
Along the same lines, pop culture buffs may appreciate names like Mario, Luigi, Sheldon, Leonard, Chewy, Dexter, Bowie, Elvis, or Hamilton. And for those who pride themselves on staying on top of the latest trends, Tyler, Oliver, Sawyer, Riley, Mason, Brady and Jackson are popular names for baby boys that also work as male dog names.
You’ll find all these male dog names and many more below!
Abbott | Abe |
Ace | Achilles |
Aero | Aiden |
AJ | Albert |
Alden | Alex |
Alexander | Alfie |
Alford | Ali |
Alistar | Alvin |
Amos | Andre |
Andy | Angus |
Apollo | Archie |
Aries | Arnold |
Arthur | Artie |
Ash | Ashby |
Atlas | Augustus |
Austin | Axel |
Bailey | Bandit |
Barkley | Barney |
Baron | Barry |
Barton | Basil |
Baxter | Beans |
Bear | Beau |
Benji | Bennett |
Benny | Benson |
Bentley | Bernard |
Bertrand | Beta |
Billy | Bingo |
Blake | Blaze |
Blue | Bo |
Boomer | Bowie |
Bradford | Bradley |
Brady | Braxton |
Brigham | Brock |
Broderick | Brody |
Brogan | Bronson |
Brownie | Bruce |
Bruno | Brutus |
Bryce | Bubba |
Buck | Bucky |
Buddy | Buster |
Butch | Buzz |
Byron | Cadence |
Caesar | Cain |
Calvin | Captain |
Carlton | Carter |
Cash | Casper |
Cecil | Cedric |
Champ | Chance |
Charlie | Chase |
Chester | Chewy |
Chico | Chief |
Chip | Chips |
Cisco | CJ |
Clarence | Clark |
Clement | Clifford |
Clyde | Coco |
Cody | Colby |
Coleman | Colin |
Conrad | Cooper |
Corky | Cornelius |
Cosmo | Crawford |
Damien | Dane |
Daniel | Dante |
Darby | Darius |
Davis | Davy |
Denver | Dexter |
Diego | Diesel |
Dixon | Doc |
Dodge | Domingo |
Donnie | Donovan |
Drew | Dudley |
Duffy | Duke |
Dusty | Dylan |
Earl | Easton |
Eddie | Edgar |
Edison | Edmund |
Edward | Edwin |
Eldon | Eli |
Eliot | Elmer |
Elvis | Elway |
Emerson | Emmett |
Emory | Ernest |
Eugene | Evan |
Evander | Everett |
Ezra | Fabio |
Fang | Farley |
Felix | Felton |
Fenton | Fido |
Finley | Finn |
Fisher | Flash |
Fletcher | Floyd |
Fonzi | Forrest |
Foster | Francis |
Frank | Frankie |
Franklin | Freddy |
Frederick | Freeman |
Fritz | Gage |
George | Gerald |
Ghost | Gilbert |
Gizmo | Goose |
Gordy | Grady |
Graham | Griffin |
Grover | Gunner |
Gus | Hamilton |
Hank | Harley |
Harold | Harrison |
Harry | Hart |
Harvey | Hawkeye |
Hayes | Heath |
Hector | Henry |
Herbert | Herman |
Hilton | Hogan |
Homer | Hooch |
Hoover | Hoss |
Huck | Hudson |
Hugh | Hunter |
Hyatt | Iggy |
Igor | Ike |
Indy | Ira |
Irving | Ivan |
Ives | Jack |
Jackson | Jacob |
Jag | Jake |
James | Jameson |
Jasper | Java |
Jax | Jefferson |
Jerry | Jesse |
Jet | Jethro |
Joey | John |
Johnny | Jonas |
Joseph | Judge |
Junior | Kane |
Kendrick | Kent |
Kilo | King |
Kobe | Koda |
Kona | Lambert |
Lance | Lane |
Langston | Lars |
Lawrence | Lemuel |
Lenny | Leo |
Leonard | Leroy |
Levi | Lewis |
Liam | Lincoln |
Linus | Logan |
Loki | Louie |
Lucky | Luigi |
Luke | Luther |
Mac | Maguire |
Major | Malcolm |
Marco | Mario |
Marley | Martin |
Marty | Mason |
Maverick | Max |
Maximillian | Maximus |
Maxwell | Mccoy |
McKinley | Mercer |
Meyer | Michael |
Mickey | Milburn |
Miles | Miller |
Milo | Milton |
Moe | Mojo |
Monroe | Moose |
Morris | Mort |
Morton | Murphy |
Murray | Nacho |
Napoleon | Nash |
Ned | Nelson |
Nero | Newton |
Nico | Niles |
Noah | Norm |
Norman | Norris |
Oakley | Odie |
Odin | Oliver |
Ollie | Oreo |
Orson | Oscar |
Otis | Otto |
Overton | Owen |
Ozzy | Pablo |
Paco | Parker |
Parley | Patch |
Peanut | Pepper |
Percival | Percy |
Petey | Phillip |
Pierce | Piper |
Pogo | Pongo |
Porter | Prince |
Quincy | Quinton |
Radar | Ralph |
Rambo | Randall |
Ranger | Rascal |
Raymond | Rebel |
Reed | Reese |
Reggie | Remy |
Reuben | Rex |
Richard | Ricky |
Rider | Riley |
Ringo | Ripley |
Robert | Rocco |
Rockwell | Rocky |
Romeo | Roscoe |
Roy | Rudolph |
Rudy | Rufus |
Rupert | Russell |
Rusty | Sam |
Sammy | Samson |
Sarge | Saul |
Sawyer | Scooby |
Scooter | Scout |
Scrappy | Sebastian |
Sedrick | Shadow |
Shamus | Sheldon |
Shelton | Sherman |
Sherwood | Shiloh |
Sigmund | Silas |
Simba | Simon |
Skip | Smokey |
Snoopy | Socks |
Sparky | Spencer |
Spike | Spot |
Stanley | Stewie |
Stitch | Storm |
Stuart | Summer |
Sylvan | Taco |
Tank | Taylor |
Taz | Teddy |
Tesla | Thaddeus |
Theo | Theodore |
Thor | Thornton |
Tiller | Titus |
TJ | Tobias |
Toby | Todd |
Tot | Toto |
Trapper | Tripp |
Tristan | Truman |
Tucker | Tyler |
Tyson | Ulysses |
Vaughn | Vernon |
Victor | Vince |
Vincent | Vinnie |
Virgil | Wade |
Wallace | Wally |
Walter | Warren |
Watson | Wesley |
Wheeler | Wilbur |
William | Wilson |
Winston | Woody |
Wyatt | Wylie |
Yogi | Yoshi |
Yukon | Zane |
Zeus | Ziggy |
H/T to Puppy Leaks
via Whisker Therapy