March 18, 202509:13:05 AM

3 Ways To Take Advantage Of “National Train Your Dog” Month This January

In 2010 the Association of Professional Dog Trainers named January National Train Your Dog Month. The campaign is designed to bring awareness to the importance of dog socialization and training. The APDT selected January because of the large number of puppies purchased and adopted at the holidays. The New Year is also an excellent time for those with older dogs to make training a priority.

For 2019, the APDT is focusing on everyday manners with their Canine Life and Social Skills program. Interested dog parents can get involved by taking advantage of:

 1. Free Webinars

The APDT has a wide range of professional training videos to help you teach your dog everything from the “basics” – sit, down, stay, wait, come – to more advanced lessons in behavior and safety.

2. 20% Off Training Services at the Arizona Humane Society

If you happen to live in the Phoenix area, the Humane Society of Arizona would love to teach your pooch some new tricks. In honor of National Train Your Dog Month, they are offering 20% ALL training services throughout the month of January! Each training level includes a series of four, one-hour classes.

3. Find A Local APDT Trainer

If you live outside Arizona, you can still seek out the expertise of an APDT dog trainer. Simply type your zip code into their Trainer Finder and contact a professional in your area.


H/T to Fox 10

Featured Image via Facebook/Arizona Humane Society

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