March 16, 2025

This Dog Dressed As A Mop For Halloween And It’s Perfect

We all know the feeling. The moment the calendar says October we begin our month-long search for the perfect Halloween costume for our dogs. Typically, regardless of their breeds and sizes, the costuming decisions are up to us.

We also know though, that costuming a dog is an extremely difficult task. Hats, attachments, and props rarely stay put for more than 5 seconds at a time. Some clever pups are even able to tear their ways out of shirts and dresses and shake off capes and jackets.

A parent of a Hungarian Puli found her way around all this trouble, and at the same time let her dog’s look determine his outfit.

Hungarian Puli’s are often referred to as “mop dogs” because… well… they look like they’re wearing mops. They sport naturally-occurring cords that look like dreadlocks. These adorable little mops are sheep-herders from way back. Underneath all that fluffy mop they’re extremely agile.

For Halloween, this little Puli went as… a mop.

Lightly used mop for sale, 5 kisses OBO

Posted by Nora Coyle on Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yup. He plopped right into a janitorial mop bucket as his person pushed him along with a handle. His little dreads spill out over the side of the bucket.

I’ve never seen a black mop before, so I assume he’s dressed as a very dirty mop. A cute one nonetheless!

If you have a Puli yourself, you might be kicking yourself for not thinking of something so simple and yet so genius. Or maybe you’ve done the same brilliant thing without the social media traction. Either way, a perfect idea!

This isn’t just a creativity win, it’s also one of the only dog costumes I’ve ever seen that the dog seems to be totally comfortable in. Plus, he just gets to sit and look cute while his mom does all the leg work.

This dog has the best Halloween costume of all time 😂😂 Credit:…

This dog has the best Halloween costume of all time 😂😂Credit: Photo Pup

Posted by Daily Mail on Monday, October 30, 2017

Doesn’t he look content and cozy?

No straps or velcro, no hats or masks falling over his eyes. Just a plastic bucket to sit in and awe the crowds with.

In general, a DIY/homemade costume is the way to go when it comes to scoring creativity points. Plus, there’s a way smaller chance of your dog showing up to the party humiliated that they’re wearing the same Target costume as another dog.

Best of luck to all the other pup parents out there in topping this masterpiece this Halloween! More realistically, best of luck getting any sort of costume to stay on your dog at all.

H/T: Diply

FEATURED IMAGE: @Nora.Coyle.3/Facebook

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