March 21, 202510:08:51 AM

Dog Rings Bell In Hopes Of Befriending Bear Cubs

Bears in dog's pool

Tiffany Kress trained her rescue puppy to ring a bell when she wanted to go outside. The dog, whose name is Daisy, quickly took advantage of the system. But one day, she rang the bell like crazy to go outside. Before opening the door, Kress realized that there was a bear with two cubs in the yard. They were playing in the pool, and Daisy looked like she wanted to join them.

This was the one time that Kress couldn’t give the pup what she wanted. Yet, that didn’t stop Daisy from being determined and continuing to ring the bell.

Couple adopts puppy
Image: @tiffanynoelkress/Instagram

A Forbidden Friendship

Kress adopted Daisy when she was only three months old. She was born in foster care after a pregnant dog arrived at a nearby rescue. She picked up on training very quickly, and she became enthusiastic about ringing the bell to go outside. But when she saw three potential friends in her yard, she didn’t understand why she couldn’t go out.

When Kress looked outside, she saw a mother bear and her two cubs playing in the pool. Daisy couldn’t stop ringing the bell. She just wanted to go outside and play with them! But Kress wanted to make sure the puppy stayed safe.

“So we bell-trained our dog,” Kress said in the video. “But I don’t think she can go out right now.”

Rescue Puppy in Training
Image: @tiffanynoelkress/Instagram

So, the family watched the bears from behind glass doors. Kress took a video of the encounter and later posted it to Instagram. In the footage, the bears only hang out for a minute, and then the cubs get up and run away playfully. The mom bear looks exhausted as she climbs out of the pool to see where the cubs went. Throughout the whole video, Daisy keeps ringing the bell and glancing hopefully outside.

Common California Sightings

Kress lives in Sierra Madre, California, and she says that bear sightings are much more common than you’d think. After the Bobcat Fire in September 2020, bear sightings occur almost daily. Yet, this is the first time bears took a dip in Kress’ pool.

Bears in pool
Image: Screenshot, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco YouTube

“We see these bears almost every day and often multiple times a day behind our house. But they finally decided to come over the wall and drop in for a dip in the pool! Our dog Daisy really wanted to go meet the new friends,” Kress captioned on Instagram.

Of course, they’re not the only California family to experience this. A recent story also featured a teen who shoved a bear to save her dogs. Bears might look like cute friends to dogs, but they can be dangerous. So, poor Daisy will only get to befriend bears from a distance.

Watch the Video Below:

Featured Image: Screenshots, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco YouTube

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