March 26, 202508:38:50 PM

Golden Retriever’s Tribute To Late Best Friend Will Bring You To Tears

Hugging Golden Retrievers

Death is a difficult situation for anyone to cope with, but sometimes, dogs take it even harder than we do. They don’t understand where their loved ones went, so they sometimes suffer from sudden behavioral changes. Thus, finding ways to comfort them during loss is crucial.

Two Golden Retrievers named Watson and Kiko were inseparable for many years. Despite being younger, Watson always looked out for Kiko and gave him hugs to cheer him up. Now that Kiko has passed away, Watson is devastated. His human even shared a heartbreaking video of Watson as a tribute to the late dog.

Dog comforting best friend

Best Friends Forever

In 2015, Jennifer Medrano got Watson to be her emotional support dog. The puppy was so full of love and always willing to comfort his human. Not long after, she adopted Kiko, who had a rough past. Right away, Watson began showering Kiko with love too.

Watson and Kiko soon became famous on social media due to their incredible bond. The two Golden Retrievers were always as close to each other as possible, and Watson’s arms were often around Kiko. They ended up emotionally supporting each other more than anyone else.

Dogs hugging in snow

But sadly, Kiko grew very ill in his senior years. He had cancer, which led to him needing his front leg amputated. He won his battle but later developed another form of cancer unrelated to the first. So, at 10 1/2 years old, he said goodbye to his wonderful family.

“February 1st, 2022 at 3:37 pm Kiko gave his last breath… And just like that, his brave little heart stopped beating. He went peacefully and was surrounded by love. I held his paw very tight and thanked him for all his love,” Medrano wrote on his Instagram page.

Comforting dog with cancer

Remembering Kiko

Since Kiko’s death, Medrano has posted multiple memories of him. One particular tribute made many followers tear up. It was a TikTok video that showed several clips of Watson hugging Kiko. Then, in the last clip, Watson is hugging a jar with Kiko’s photo on it. During the video, “Ghost” by Justin Bieber is playing.

“I’ve noticed a big change in [Watson],” Medrano wrote in the TikTok comments. “But every day it gets a bit better. His heart will heal with time.”

Golden Retrievers hugging

It’s clear that Watson misses Kiko deeply. For many years, the pups were inseparable, so Watson is heartbroken that he can no longer hug his brother. Luckily, he has lots of other family members around to comfort him during this tough time, including his human parents and his dog, cat, and hedgehog siblings.

Watch the Tear-Jerking Video Here:

Featured Image: Instagram

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