March 26, 2025

Woman Fights Off Bobcat As It Unexpectedly Attacks Her Dog

Dog survives coyote attack

No one expects their pet to get attacked by a wild animal, especially when they live near other homes and businesses. But it’s always a risk, especially if you have a small dog that could be mistaken for prey.

A Vermont woman came face-to-face with a bobcat after it tried to eat her Chihuahua. Of course, she wasn’t going to let that happen. Despite her fears, she faced the bobcat to save her furry friend’s life. The scary encounter is a reminder for all pet parents to be careful around wildlife no matter where they’re walking.

Chihuahua relaxing

Casual Walk Gone Wrong

Christina LaRock from Barre, Vermont, almost lost her Chihuahua named Tiny during a morning walk. She said a bobcat came out of nowhere and targeted him.

“The cat came around the corner and just latched onto him,” said LaRock.

Luckily, Tiny was wearing a thick harness that provided some protection from the wild animal. The bobcat bit onto the harness and tore the fabric, but its teeth didn’t reach the dog’s flesh. So, LaRock had enough time to react.

LaRock said she was able to pull Tiny back toward her using his leash. Then, she smacked the bobcat to scare it off. Once the creature saw how confident she seemed, it became intimidated and ran away.

Woman holding injured dog

“I just gave [the bobcat] a good old left hand upside the head and I think it stunned him enough that he took off,” LaRock said. “Don’t mess with my little baby Tiny!”

Don’t Mess with Tiny!

Tiny didn’t seem to have any scratches from the incident, but LaRock rushed him to the vet just to be safe. He seems to be doing well but has been acting a little extra grumpy.

LaRock has taken that walking route many times before without encountering wildlife. She often brings her son on walks with her, so she’s grateful he didn’t tag along that day. LaRock is now warning her neighbors of the incident so they can keep an eye out for the large feline.

Paul Brown of Vermont Fish & Wildlife says the bobcat attacked because it viewed the dog as prey. He said incidents like this are unlikely, but it’s always possible for predators to be in an area if they find prey.

Dog survives bobcat attack

RELATED: 7 Tips For Ensuring A Safe, Enjoyable Walk With Your Dog

“Whether we’re aware of their presence or not, they’re still here and live in our neighborhoods and around our houses — and with very few exceptions, pose very little threat to human health or safety,” Brown said.

Brown added that there probably wasn’t anything LaRock could’ve done to avoid the situation. Yet, he reminds others to always keep a distance from wild animals to be safe. Not all dogs in Tiny’s situation have been as lucky.

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