March 28, 202504:29:59 PM

Chubby Chihuahua Gives Mom The Sad Face When She Shames Him

A Chihuahua named Kevin is quite unique. His mom describes him as a furry football with short legs. Kevin likes to annoy his sister, who’s much larger than him but his sister doesn’t mind. She has tremendous patience.

The little dog is inquisitive and chatty… and can be a total handful. But thankfully his family loves every minute with him.

Screenshot via YouTube

Kevin spends his days lying about and obsessing over celery. His family tries to get Kevin to exercise but he’s just not that into it. He hilariously watches as his sister plays fetch. He just kind of stands there like he’d rather be anywhere else.

Screenshot via YouTube

The little dog certainly has a big personality. He doesn’t like hardwood floors and refuses to walk on them. He spends most of his time sleeping or annoyed. Kevin will go on a barking tirade when the doorbell rings. He even gives his mom some seriously dirty looks when she laughs at him.

Kevin is a ball of cute that can’t be denied. Does your dog make you laugh? Share their antics with us in the comment section, after you watch Kevin’s video of course!

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