March 28, 202509:07:30 PM

Dog That Didn’t Want To Be Saved Thanks Her Rescuer Once She Understands

A homeless Pit Bull was living on the streets. She was terrified and shook uncontrollably when anyone came near. Hope For Paws was called in to help the poor pup.

When one of the rescuers was able to get close to the dog, she noticed she had scars all over her body. She was more determined than ever to help the dog in need.

Screenshot via YouTube

Armed with food, she approached the pup slowly so she didn’t startle her. The dog backed into a corner and gently took the food from her rescuer’s hand. The rescuer was optimistic that she had made progress. But once the leash was placed around her, she wouldn’t budge. The dog had found a safe spot behind a dumpster but obviously couldn’t stay there. Especially when workers in a large, loud truck came to empty its contents.

Screenshot via YouTube

The rescuers were able to lead the Pibble away and this, folks, was the start of her new life! Once the sweet dog understood she was safe with these nice people, she kissed them to say thank you. And that’s when she earned her name: Kisses! The amazing dog’s journey continues and it can’t be missed. Thank you to all who made this rescue possible!

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via Whisker Therapy

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