March 28, 202509:04:35 PM

Soldier Finds Her “Soul Dog” In A Pit Bull Discarded By Breeder

A Pit Bull named Noah was the runt of the litter. The breeder was going to “discard” him because he couldn’t sell him for a profit. Luckily, Vivian’s husband intervened just in time!

He was visiting a breeder with a friend who was interested in getting a dog. Vivian’s husband saw Noah, who was placed off to the side. When he asked about him, the breeder clearly stated that Noah was a reject.

Screenshot via YouTube

Vivian didn’t think bringing a dog into the family was a good idea because they’re both in the military, but her husband had other plans. He called his wife and said he was coming home with a puppy. Thankfully Vivian took one look at Noah’s little face and fell in love.

Screenshot via YouTube

Noah is a special pup. Vivian says that Noah knows when someone in the family needs a sense of calm and gives them that. He’s very intuitive (and very adorable!) She also goes on to say that Noah “judges you.” When he sees Vivian eating that extra snack, he stares at her like “hmmm really?”

Screenshot via YouTube

The couple saw a post online two years later about another Pit Bull a family didn’t want. They jumped at the opportunity to adopt a brother for Noah. The two are hilarious together. Vivian describes them as “one is the calm and the other one is the storm.”

Vivian was transferred to New Jersey while her husband was transferred to South Carolina. The separation certainly took its toll. Vivian says that she wouldn’t have been able to get through it without Noah, especially when she was injured. What an amazing story! Aren’t dogs the best?

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