Hello to all the Rottweiler wranglers out there! As a lifelong Rottweiler owner, I can attest that life with these dogs is a unique blend of humor, mischief, and heaps of slobber. Underneath their tough exterior, Rotties are nothing but giant, goofy teddy bears with a zest for life that’s as big as their size. So, let’s dive into ten hilarious scenarios that only a Rottweiler owner would understand.
1. The Rottie Lean
Rottweilers have a signature move – the Rottie Lean. They will casually lean their whole weight against your legs, leaving you awkwardly trying to balance a 100-pound dog. It’s their way of saying, “I love you, now hold me up.”
2. The Gentle Giant Misconception
With their muscular build and serious expression, Rottweilers often get a bad rap. But any Rottie owner knows these dogs are the epitome of a gentle giant. They’re more likely to slobber you to death than show any aggression. The real challenge is explaining this to your terrified mailman.
3. The Slobber Fest
Speaking of slobber, owning a Rottweiler means you’re no stranger to drool. It’s everywhere – on your clothes, your furniture, even your ceiling (don’t ask). It’s like living in a constant state of ‘slobber rain’. You might as well start investing in drool-proof everything.
4. The Lap Dog Delusion
Despite their size, Rottweilers seem to think they’re lap dogs. Your 100-pound Rottie will have no problem attempting to curl up in your lap. Who needs a blanket when you have a Rottweiler trying to snuggle on a cold winter day?
5. The Couch Hog
If you’ve ever tried to share a sofa with a Rottweiler, you’ll know it’s an exercise in futility. These dogs can take up an entire three-seater and still have a leg hanging off. The rule in a Rottweiler house is simple: they get the couch, you get the floor.
6. The ‘Toy? What Toy?’ Syndrome
Rottweilers are notorious for their ability to destroy any toy in record time. That ‘indestructible’ toy you bought? Give it five minutes with a Rottweiler. It’s like they see it as a challenge to their strength.
7. The Stealth Food Thief
Despite their size, Rottweilers have a knack for stealthily stealing food. You might be cooking dinner, turn around for a second, and poof! Your steak has mysteriously vanished, only to be found in the guilty jaws of your Rottie.
8. The Endless Energy
Rottweilers are full of energy. And when a Rottie gets the zoomies, you’d better clear the way. They can turn your living room into a racetrack, and your backyard into a dug-up mess. It’s like living with a very large, very enthusiastic tornado.
9. The Bed Invasion
If you own a Rottweiler, you can say goodbye to a peaceful, spacious night’s sleep. These dogs love to spread out on the bed, pushing their humans to the very edge. It’s their bed; they’re just generous enough to share a tiny sliver with you.
10. The Unconditional Love
The most heartwarming and hilarious part of owning a Rottweiler is their deep, unconditional love for their humans. They’ll follow you around, lean on you, and shower you with slobbery kisses, all in an attempt to show their love. Their dedication is as touching as it is comical.
Being a Rottweiler owner is a journey filled with laughter, a little bit of chaos, and a lot of love. Their goofy antics and loving nature make every day an adventure. So here’s to all the Rottweiler owners, living the big, drool-filled, joyous life that only we can understand.
The post 10 Hilarious Things Only a Rottweiler Owner Would Understand appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy