Kathryn heads up The Bottle Brigade, which takes in infant dogs with special needs. Most would face euthanasia if it weren’t for her organization. One teeny guy named Hammy was ready to face the world the moment he opened his eyes. Despite his disability, he did all he could to make his presence known!

Hammy came to Kathryn from a rescue group. He needed extra help due to his cleft palate. He had trouble breathing and was put in an incubator. Once he could walk around, Kathryn made sure he explored his new world to quench his puppy curiosity. But when it was time to go back into the incubator, Hammy had a lot to say about it. He sassed Kathryn, demanding to be let out again.

Soon, the teeny pup proved he no longer needed oxygen by belting out his wants and wishes. It was amazing to hear such a small boy, whose lungs were once diminished, vocalize as loudly as he did! Kathryn gave the all-clear for Hammy to find his forever home.

The feisty puppy’s story is far from over. To see what happens next, and to meet Hammy, scroll on down. His sassy nature and vocal protests can’t be missed!
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The post Feisty Puppy Wants Out Of His Incubator, Sings Loudly In Protest appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy