A hairless Pit Bull puppy was found all alone, roasting in the sun in an orange grove. Thankfully, she was taken in by Pibble Ranch. They named the sweet girl Hippo. The Pittie was so malnourished she couldn’t walk on her own. Even though she was thankful for her rescue, she could hardly wag her tail to express her gratitude.

Kelsey fell in love with Hippo and became her forever mom! She knew exactly what to do to get the Pibble pup healthy. As Hippo began to feel safe and well-cared for, her true personality emerged. She played with toys, and once strong enough, she wagged her tail like crazy! Kelsey was delighted!

One day, while at work with Kelsey who’s a vet tech, Hippo discovered their agility course out back. She naturally ran right through the tunnel. It was then she became hooked! As Hippo ran her little heart out, with her tail wagging, onlookers clapped and cheered for her. It was amazing!

There’s so much more to Hippo’s story you can’t miss. Her precious tail wags and puppy smiles are the best! Wait until you see her dramatic transformation in the video below! You’ll be cheering her on as well!
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Feature Image Courtesy of thehappiesthippo/Instagram
The post Sunburnt Hairless Puppy That Couldn’t Wag Her Tail, Finds Her Spark appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy