March 16, 202510:16:47 AM

Clever Dog Sneaks Out Of Grandma’s Yard To Take A 50 Mile Adventure Back Home

Axle is a seven-year-old Blue Heeler who recently embarked on an impressive adventure. You see, his dog mom dropped him off at grandma’s for the weekend but he wasn’t having it. In Homeward Bound style, Axle decided he had to get back home. He took off on a two day, 50-mile journey through neighborhoods, several towns, and a large lake.

Image Texas Lost Dogs, Cats, and Pets/Facebook

Axle was Dropped Off at Grandma’s House, But He Quickly Took Off

Leslie Robinson and her fiancé were setting out for a weekend getaway. They made arrangements for Leslie’s fiancé’s mother to take care of Leslie’s seven-year-old Blue Heeler, Axle. They dropped the dog off at Grandma’s house in Spicewood, TX, a town about thirty-five miles northwest of Austin.

Axle had only been at Grandma’s house for a short while on Friday morning when he made his move. Who knows what he was really thinking, but he clearly believed it was imperative that he escape Grandma’s yard and get moving! Axle was heading home, come hell or high water.

Axle Seen Swimming Across Lake Travis and Trotting Through Towns

Leslie turned to Facebook to enlist the help of people in the area. She reached out to every Facebook page she could think of and reports of sightings started pouring in. Axle was seen swimming across Lake Travis. The next sighting was in Lago Vista, where the determined pup was seen on foot. Axle was seen next in Jonestown, which meant he was going in the wrong direction! Where would the wiley dog go next?

Image Leslie Robinson

The Search for Axel Went on Until Early Sunday Morning

Leslie and a group of friends spread out searching for Axle day and night. They looked in all the towns where Axle had been spotted. A friend took Leslie out on her boat to search the shoreline of Lake Travis. Leslie finally suspended the search at 3:30 am on Sunday. She was worried but still had hope. Axle had pulled a stunt like this before a few years ago and he made it home. She believed he would be able to do it again.

Image Leslie Robinson

Sunday Morning, Axle Strolled Into His Yard Like Nothing Happened

Leslie went outside to have a cup of coffee Sunday morning. Obviously she had been through a stressful and exhausting ordeal. To her great relief, Leslie looked up from her coffee to see Axle strolling into their yard, casual as can be like nothing happened.

Leslie told KXAN, “I’m torn between being impressed that he found his way home, and being annoyed that he left grandma’s in the first place.” We will never know exactly where Axle’s adventure took him over the weekend, but they believe he made some serious miles. Leslie said, “There’s no telling how many miles he traveled. We’re thinking somewhere around 50, but it could be more.” But one thing is for sure: Axle followed his nose and it took him home!

Featured Image Texas Lost Dogs, Cats, and Pets/Facebook

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